AltWeeklies Wire

Hollywood Takes Aim at Online Privacynew

The entertainment industry has finally figured out a way to screw everybody in the United States -- not just the geeks using peer-to-peer software.
San Francisco Bay Guardian  |  Annalee Newitz  |  06-21-2007  |  Tech

Jailhouse Justicenew

A group of sheriff's deputies is accused in civil court of beating jail inmates.
San Francisco Bay Guardian  |  GW Schulz  |  06-21-2007  |  Crime & Justice

The Gomorran Social Aid and Pleasure Club Preach the Gospelnew

They might be playing ragtime, but they're by no means a ragtime band -- they celebrate wild abandon with, well, wild abandon.
San Francisco Bay Guardian  |  Todd Lavoie  |  06-06-2007  |  Profiles & Interviews

A Hazy Recall Effort in San Francisconew

An examination of why the Citizens for the Recall of Supervisor Jake McGoldrick say they are trying to get rid of the elected official reveals that this campaign is based on just a few controversial issues that animate these two dozen fairly conservative people.
San Francisco Bay Guardian  |  Steven T. Jones  |  06-06-2007  |  Politics

Cab It Forwardnew

Green Cab leads a push to make San Francisco's taxis more environmentally friendly.
San Francisco Bay Guardian  |  Rachel Stern  |  06-06-2007  |  Environment

Guilty Verdict Clouds Pot Picturenew

Marijuana activist Ed Rosenthal fears his conviction will be used to punish other growers and users.
San Francisco Bay Guardian  |  Sarah Acker  |  06-06-2007  |  Drugs

Website of the Week: ProgressiveLiving.orgnew

Progressivism has a long and proud history in the United States, as this site outlines.
San Francisco Bay Guardian  |  Staff  |  06-06-2007  |  Tech

There's No Business Like 'ShowBusiness'new

Documentary sets its sights on Broadway-or-bust babies.
San Francisco Bay Guardian  |  Dennis Harvey  |  06-06-2007  |  Reviews

Anat Cohen's Living in the Momentnew

The Israeli-born New Yorker, often found working in Latin bands, seems intent on leaving no jazz style unexplored.
San Francisco Bay Guardian  |  Marcus Crowder  |  06-06-2007  |  Profiles & Interviews

Nerves of Chromenew

Guitarist Helios Creed remembers the cyberpunk band that time forgot.
San Francisco Bay Guardian  |  Chris Sabbath  |  06-06-2007  |  Profiles & Interviews

The SPCA's Pet Projectsnew

Can San Francisco's Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals overcome recent setbacks and regain its position as a leader in the national no-kill movement?
San Francisco Bay Guardian  |  G.W. Schulz  |  06-06-2007  |  Animal Issues

My Wikipedia Activismnew

If the goal is to preserve knowledge, we shouldn't be wasting our time determining what's notable enough to stay in Wikipedia -- the culture and history of the minor and the obscure should be remembered just as easily as those of the famous and the mighty.
San Francisco Bay Guardian  |  Annalee Newitz  |  06-06-2007  |  Tech

Stay Sharp and Slow Down

Or suffer kitchen knife collateral damage.
San Francisco Bay Guardian  |  Paul Reidinger  |  06-06-2007  |  Food+Drink

Ask Dr. Rock: So You Wanna Be a DJ?new

What does it take to be an employed DJ in San Francisco?
San Francisco Bay Guardian  |  Fred Miketa  |  05-30-2007  |  Advice

Criminals of Povertynew

No amount of punishment will ever succeed in lifting people out of poverty.
San Francisco Bay Guardian  |  Tiny  |  05-30-2007  |  Commentary

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