AltWeeklies Wire
Comedy Thriller Is Dead Before the Final Reelnew
The Dying Gaul may have been a great play, but onscreen, it proves to be a dying film.
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Chris Braiotta |
11-17-2005 |
Tags: Craig Lucas, The Dying Gaul
Johnny Cash Gets What He Deservesnew
Joaquin Phoenix portrays the infamous Man in Black in Walk The Line.
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David Wildman |
11-17-2005 |
Tags: James Mangold, Walk the Line
N.H. Metal Heroes Not To Be Taken for Granitenew
Scissorfight guitarist Jay Fortin confirms his band's credibility, as well as his hatred for "mall-ified" commodity emo.
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Luke O'Neil |
11-17-2005 |
Profiles & Interviews
Tags: Scissorfight
All-American Swede Heartnew
Amandine are Swedish Americana rockers who speak in one accent, yet sing in another.
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Jedd Gottlieb |
11-17-2005 |
Profiles & Interviews
Tags: Amandine
The Greatest Drug Rock Band in the History of Forevernew
So yeah, the guy from Earth did give Kurt Cobain the shotgun with which he killed himself. But besides that, Earth is an awesome band.
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J. Bennett |
11-17-2005 |
Profiles & Interviews
Tags: Earth
Not since Daft Punk has someone folded art into artifice as neatly as the Juan Maclean.
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Kiran Aditham |
11-17-2005 |
Profiles & Interviews
Opening Bordersnew
Sid Meier's Civilization IV isn’t a revolutionary new design, merely an improvement on a classic form. Still, revolutionary or not, for gaming junkies, this latest installment will be more than enough to ruin their sleep for weeks and weeks to come.
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Seth MCM. Donlin |
11-17-2005 |
Video Games
Tags: video games
Convoluted Drunken Driving Lawnew
Don't drink and drive in Massachusetts, or you'll probably get screwed by a law named after someone's relative (who was busted for the same thing).
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Rollins O'Reilly |
11-17-2005 |
Tags: humor & satire
A Plank-worthy Novelnew
Fan-Tan is a novel that blends old-fashioned swashbuckling with ejaculations of racial slurs, profanity, gambling and deviant sex. It was originally conceived over 25 years ago as a collaboration between Brando and Cammell.
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Paul McMorrow |
11-09-2005 |
Creative Writingnew
Bat Boy Lives! reminds the world just how prolific, and wide-reaching, Perel's Weekly World News reportage has been. After all, it gave us word of Elvis' being alive, pizza at the Last Supper, human cloning and alien infestations of the U.S. Capitol.
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Paul McMorrow |
11-09-2005 |
Tags: Bat Boy Lives!, David Perel
Exactly as the Title Saysnew
According to publisher McSweeney's Books, Bicycles Locked to Poles is a "mournful but pleasing collection, which features many of the best photographs of bicycles locked to poles ever taken." Enough said.
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Paul McMorrow |
11-09-2005 |
Original Work
Portrait of a Mannew
Saint Morrissey covers the traditional timeline of Moz's life, from the early days of books and boredom, through the Smiths years and his resurrection as one of the most influential artists of the past few decades. But it is decidedly a fan's book.
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Luke O'Neil |
11-09-2005 |
Putting the 'F' in Family Dramanew
Forty Shades of Blue is a film that proves honesty isn't everything.
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Chris Braiotta |
11-09-2005 |
Tags: Ira Sachs, Forty Shades of Blue
Going Off the Rails on a Yuppie Trainnew
Derailed is a Hollywood thriller--but it's watchable!
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David Wildman |
11-09-2005 |
Tags: Mikael Hafstrom, Derailed
All Setnew
After 10 softly played years, the slow-drone pros of American Analog Set have just begun their kinda-sorta definitive farewell tour, but they're avoiding the "everyone-get-into-a-fight-and-break up" cliche.
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Jed Gottlieb |
11-09-2005 |
Profiles & Interviews
Tags: American Analog Set, Set Free