AltWeeklies Wire

Our Springfield Soft Spotsnew

Ten (out of 10,000,000) reasons why we love The Simpsons.
San Francisco Bay Guardian  |  Cheryl Eddy, Dennis Harvey and Johnny Ray Huston  |  07-25-2007  |  Movies

The Church of Santinonew

The man who stole Project Runway discusses fabulous fashion in film.
San Francisco Bay Guardian  |  Johnny Ray Huston  |  07-25-2007  |  Fashion

Contemplating Josh Wolfnew

Police Commission revives discussion of why the cops federalized an investigation that denied a journalist's rights.
San Francisco Bay Guardian  |  Sarah Phelan  |  07-18-2007  |  Media

Importing Injusticenew

How deregulation and Wal-Mart poison the Port of Oakland's neighbors and force poverty wages on its truckers.
San Francisco Bay Guardian  |  Joseph Plaster  |  07-18-2007  |  Business & Labor

Learning to Eat Like Aboriginalsnew

A glowing shard of the continent's aboriginal culinary past can be found in Where People Feast: An Indigenous People's Cookbook.
San Francisco Bay Guardian  |  Paul Reidinger  |  07-18-2007  |  Food+Drink

Keeping Up with Melina Jonesnew

The San Francisco MC represents everything that's right with hip-hop.
San Francisco Bay Guardian  |  Amanda Maria Morrison  |  07-18-2007  |  Profiles & Interviews

Chromeo Has Legs!new

Don't think the duo is just a throwback joke band, satirizing male-male '80s pop the way the Darkness satirizes glam rock -- the music is no joke.
San Francisco Bay Guardian  |  Molly Freedenberg  |  07-18-2007  |  Profiles & Interviews

'Sunshine' Ruminates on Solar Powernew

Let there be light.
San Francisco Bay Guardian  |  Cheryl Eddy  |  07-18-2007  |  Reviews

iPhone Politicsnew

Why everyone cares about Apple's newest toy.
San Francisco Bay Guardian  |  Annalee Newitz  |  07-18-2007  |  Tech

Why the Rush to Privatize Citywide Wireless?new

I don't think anyone except Mayor Gavin Newsom's inner circle and the folks who run Google and EarthLink really likes the San Francisco's proposed wifi contract, but it now appears at least possible that the Board of Supervisors will approve some version of it.
San Francisco Bay Guardian  |  Tim Redmond  |  07-11-2007  |  Tech

Todd Pelman's Household Energy Turbinesnew

The 34-year-old engineer has pioneered San Francisco's first permitted micro–wind project, and now his company, Blue Green Pacific, is working to put the wind-power turbines on the market in the next year.
San Francisco Bay Guardian  |  Rachel Stern  |  07-11-2007  |  Environment

'Transformers' Without Ironynew

If you want to enjoy this flick without guilt, you'll have to ignore the whole Middle East issue.
San Francisco Bay Guardian  |  Annalee Newitz  |  07-11-2007  |  Reviews

Praise the Lordi!new

The Finnish monster rockers are coming to Ozzfest.
San Francisco Bay Guardian  |  Cheryl Eddy  |  07-11-2007  |  Profiles & Interviews

Party with Me, Oh My Godnew

And then blow out my eardrums, fool.
San Francisco Bay Guardian  |  Chris Sabbath  |  07-11-2007  |  Profiles & Interviews

Hyphy and its Discontentsnew

Rumors of the genre's death have been greatly exaggerated.
San Francisco Bay Guardian  |  Garrett Caples  |  07-11-2007  |  Music

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