AltWeeklies Wire

Starving for Dinnernew

Are lobsters kept in supermarket tanks being mistreated?
NUVO  |  Lori Lovely  |  11-16-2006  |  Animal Issues

Weddings as Wedge Issuenew

Indiana Republican leaders are latching on to N.J. Supreme Court decision extending equal protections to same-sex couples as an election opportunity.
NUVO  |  Laura McPhee  |  11-02-2006  |  Politics

Happy Harrynew

Shearer talks about his new comic novel.
NUVO  |  Marc D. Allan  |  11-02-2006  |  Author Profiles & Interviews

Defending the Uninsurednew

The practice of "body attachment" -- arresting patients for failure to pay their medical bills -- is a tough tactic that drew the attention of J. Patrick Rooney, the former chairman and CEO of the Golden Rule Insurance Company.
NUVO  |  David Hoppe  |  10-26-2006  |  Science

Dark Horse Dem Running Strongnew

A year ago, no one thought Barry Welsh could win in Indiana's 6th Congressional district -- but that was before public opinion soured on the war in Iraq and before the Foley scandal heightened public frustration.
NUVO  |  David Hoppe  |  10-19-2006  |  Politics

Neighborhood Picassonew

A wonder of ad hoc and mad genius construction, a lot of people are finding themselves slowing down as they pass William Ryder's two-story home.
NUVO  |  Michael Tapscott  |  09-28-2006  |  Art

Upset Year?new

Dr. David Sanders is making his second run at unseating incumbent Republican Congressman Steve Buyer this November.
NUVO  |  Kyle McClurg  |  09-28-2006  |  Politics

The Dirty Truth About Clean Coalnew

Clean coal is, perhaps, an oxymoron in more ways than one.
NUVO  |  Laura McPhee  |  08-31-2006  |  Environment

Factory Farmsnew

Factory farms pollute the air and water supplies, endanger human and animal health and drive responsible family farms out of business -- Indiana's factory farming future could not only be devastating, but deadly as well.
NUVO  |  Laura McPhee  |  08-24-2006  |  Business & Labor

Indiana: 'The Middle East of Biofuels'new

Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels has announced a strategic energy plan that aims to replace imported energy sources with homegrown fuels.
NUVO  |  Laura McPhee  |  08-17-2006  |  Science

False and Misleadingnew

A new report shows most federally-funded crisis pregnancy centers provided false or misleading information about the health effects of abortion.
NUVO  |  Laura McPhee  |  07-27-2006  |  Sex

Smart Girls Do It Betternew

There is little difference between men and women when it comes to sexual practice, yet Indiana lawmakers continue to live in some imaginary past where good girls got married, had sex and had babies, in that order.
NUVO  |  Laura McPhee  |  07-20-2006  |  Sex

IndyGo Tries to Keep Upnew

Indianapolis' mass transit is at a crossroads.
NUVO  |  Michael Dabney  |  07-13-2006  |  Transportation

'I Astonish Easily'new

Scott Russell Sanders discusses his new history of awe.
NUVO  |  David Hoppe  |  07-06-2006  |  Author Profiles & Interviews

Indiana Approves 'Choose Life'new

Christian anti-abortion centers will receive funds from new license plates.
NUVO  |  Laura McPhee  |  06-08-2006  |  Sex

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