AltWeeklies Wire
Leave Lute Olson Alonenew
The retired University of Arizona hoops coach deserves peace and respect -- not rampant rumors.
Tucson Weekly |
Tom Danehy |
10-30-2008 |
Fine Chinanew
The Beijing Olympics are over. Long live the Beijing Olympics!
Tucson Weekly |
Tom Danehy |
08-29-2008 |
Tags: sports & fitness
Perusing the Pastnew
If history is always written by victors ... then what is the point?
Tucson Weekly |
Catherine O'Sullivan |
08-21-2008 |
Tags: humor & satire
This Column May Be Recordednew
Enjoying some time with various Customer Service Professionals.
Tucson Weekly |
Catherine O'Sullivan |
07-24-2008 |
Tags: humor & satire
Spoiled Trailblazernew
A note to former University of Arizona hooks recruit Brandon Jennings: Have fun in Europe!
Tucson Weekly |
Tom Danehy |
07-18-2008 |
Tags: sports & fitness
For Divorcees, Modern-Day Dating is a Whole New Experiencenew
The real problem with dating sites is that people write their own profiles. There are hardly any genuinely relevant sections on the questionnaires like, "In 100 words or less, describe your personality disorder and its prognosis." Or, "The last time you got out of rehab, how long was it before you found yourself in a bar again?"
Tucson Weekly |
Catherine O'Sullivan |
06-26-2008 |
Tags: humor & satire
Married? Then Do Not Read This Columnnew
Due to circumstances beyond my control, I've been communicating with a lot of divorced people lately. I've read tons of books on the sociology, psychology, morality and religiosity of the process, and I have come to the unfortunate conclusion that nobody knows a goddamn thing about marriage.
Tucson Weekly |
Catherine O'Sullivan |
06-11-2008 |
Tags: humor & satire
The Dark Side of Horse Racing is Finally Being Revealednew
This year, a horse called Big Brown won the Kentucky Derby. But Big Brown's win was overshadowed by the No. 2 horse breaking both ankles after the finish. Eight Belles was humanely euthanized at the track.
Tucson Weekly |
Catherine O'Sullivan |
05-29-2008 |
Contemporary Indian Works Hit Tucsonnew
"Changing Hands: Art Without Reservation," the enormous traveling show of contemporary Northwest and Pacific Indian art, has just landed at the Tucson Museum of Art.
Tucson Weekly |
Margaret Regan |
04-17-2008 |
Tags: visual arts
Popular Culture Consistently Corrupts What Words Actually Meannew
This used to annoy me a little; now, it annoys me a lot -- particularly when it trivializes some fairly Godzilla-esque concepts.
Tucson Weekly |
Catherine O'Sullivan |
04-17-2008 |
Tags: humor & satire
Virtual Racism in 'Halo'new
Trash-talking gone too far is marring online video-game worlds.
Tucson Weekly |
Tom Danehy |
04-17-2008 |
Video Games
Tags: racism, video games
The Internet Generation Gains a Voice and Takes On Scientologynew
Want to understand why a group of college students and others call themselves Anonymous, wear Guy Fawkes masks and stand outside Church of Scientology centers in protest? Then you may want to visit Internet userboards like
Tucson Weekly |
Mari Herreras |
04-10-2008 |
Tags: computers & technology
Insecurity Issuesnew
How private is your email and your web-surfing history?
Tucson Weekly |
Kelli Hart |
04-03-2008 |
Tags: computers & technology
Cattle Concernsnew
After the news surrounding the latest beef recall, I have eaten my last hamburger.
Tucson Weekly |
Catherine O'Sullivan |
03-06-2008 |
Open to Interpretationnew
Hubbard Street celebrates 30 years with a mix of works including a classic and two brand-new dances.
Tucson Weekly |
Margaret Regan |
02-21-2008 |
Tags: dance