AltWeeklies Wire

The ABCs Of 9/11

Disney's TV network errs, blames Clinton.
Random Lengths News  |  Paul Rosenberg  |  09-15-2006  |  Media

What Would Happen?

New reports from USC and UCLA both argue that, whatever the local impacts, the national economy would not be severely strained, and would not suffer a recession if terrorists attacked the ports.
Random Lengths News  |  Paul Rosenberg  |  09-01-2006  |  Disasters

Cheney Sued For Outing CIA Spy

This suit charges four violations of constitutional rights, claims injuries including "gross invasion of privacy" and much more.
Random Lengths News  |  Paul Rosenberg  |  07-19-2006  |  Crime & Justice

GOP vs. Free Speech Online

After much prodding from below, Democrats come together to stop the corporate power-grab of the Internet and support Net Neutrality.
Random Lengths News  |  Paul Rosenberg  |  07-05-2006  |  Media

Convictions Barely Scratch Surface

Enron's Lay and Skilling face multi-decade sentences, but the biggest crimes and co-conspirators go unpunished.
Random Lengths News  |  Paul Rosenberg  |  06-08-2006  |  Crime & Justice

Unchecked Powers

The NSA spying is yet another incident where the Bush administration is working beyond the reach of law.
Random Lengths News  |  Paul Rosenberg  |  06-06-2006  |  Crime & Justice

Advocacy Journalism

We're encouraged to see journalism as dispassionate -- but passive acceptance of murderous priorities in our midst is a form of de facto advocacy.
Random Lengths News  |  Norman Solomon  |  05-19-2006  |  Media

The New Face of the Labor Movement

Marchers of all races and nationalities protested the bills in Congress that would criminalize 12 million undocumented people and drive from their jobs those without papers.
Random Lengths News  |  David Bacon, Terelle Jerricks and Paul Rosenberg  |  05-10-2006  |  Immigration

Surrogate Attacks

When all else fails, the Bush administration blames the media -- through its surrogates.
Random Lengths News  |  Norman Solomon  |  03-23-2006  |  Media

GOP vs. Feingold

Sens. Snowe and Hagel join the Bush cover-up, while Senator Feingold calls for censure, and some seek legal rulings that Bush's secret spying was illegal and unconstitutional.
Random Lengths News  |  Paul Rosenberg  |  03-16-2006  |  Civil Liberties

War-Loving Pundits

The third anniversary of the Iraq invasion was bound to attract a lot of media coverage, but scant recognition went to the pundits who helped make it all possible.
Random Lengths News  |  Norman Solomon  |  03-16-2006  |  Media

The Unreal Death of Journalism

From local car crashes to catastrophes in faraway places, deadly events are grist for the media mill, but the coverage is almost always superficial.
Random Lengths News  |  Norman Solomon  |  02-23-2006  |  Media

Oil for Freedom

Following the fall of Saddam Hussein, oil workers in Basra reorganized one of Iraq's oldest unions, and faced the occupation's prohibition on collective bargaining in the public sector.
Random Lengths News  |  David Bacon  |  02-02-2006  |  International

The Meaning of Frank Wilkinson

Frank Wilkinson wasn’t the first man to stare down Joe McCarthy and the House Un-American Activities Committee, but he was the last man to go to jail for trying.
Random Lengths News  |  Lionel Rolfe  |  01-19-2006  |  Race & Class

Flying High With Boeing

Why the heck is a political show on public television getting a lot of its budget from one of the biggest players in the Washington sweepstakes for Pentagon contracts?
Random Lengths News  |  Norman Solomon  |  01-19-2006  |  Media

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