AltWeeklies Wire

Charleston Animal Society thinks outside the box to create a no-kill communitynew

Last week, a speckled brown kitten was rescued by Charleston County animal control from the south side of the Ravenel Bridge. "We get calls every spring where people say someone threw a kitten on the bridge," says Kay Hyman, the director of community engagement for the Charleston Animal Society. "No one's ever seen it actually happening really. Kittens are born all the time under that bridge, and what happens is they get spooked ... and they start moving."
Charleston City Paper  |  Susan Cohen  |  04-24-2013  |  Policy Issues

Black Erosionnew

Gentrification breaks a neighborhood down from the inside out.
Charleston City Paper  |  Jenna Lyles  |  04-23-2013  |  Race & Class

S.C. public university boards have an X chromosome shortagenew

When Susan Pearlstine started campaigning to join the Medical University of South Carolina's board of trustees, she didn't imagine that the process would involve traveling to Columbia and cornering legislators in the Statehouse parking garage.
Charleston City Paper  |  Paul Bowers  |  04-18-2013  |  Policy Issues

Why Johnny Can't Use Condomsnew

South Carolina lawmakers are revisiting the state's sex ed laws.
Charleston City Paper  |  Paul Bowers  |  03-28-2013  |  Education

Bat-killing fungus arrives in South Carolinanew

It was only a matter of time before the North American batpocalypse reached South Carolina. But now that the S.C. Department of Natural Resources has announced that the bat-killing fungus behind the epidemic known as White Nose Syndrome (WNS) has arrived, biologists are hoping that some rapidly retreating species will be able to make a stand in the Palmetto State.
Charleston City Paper  |  Dan Conover  |  03-21-2013  |  Health

The Evolution of Charleston's Post and Couriernew

New editor Mitch Pugh brings aggressive online approach to Charleston's Post and Courier.
Charleston City Paper  |  Paul Bowers  |  02-27-2013  |  Media

Abandoned by the U.S. government, hurricane-ravaged Staten Island turns to the Occupy movementnew

All Veronica Skibinski wants is a yellow tag. She had one two weeks ago, so she hired a crew to gut her home in Midland Beach, four blocks from the ocean on Staten Island. Mold-covered drywall and water-logged appliances were hauled to the curb. Thousands of dollars were spent installing new heating and electrical systems.
Charleston City Paper  |  Stratton Lawrence  |  01-30-2013  |  #OCCUPY

Why did House Republicans refuse to vote on the Violence Against Women Act?new

At the end of November, I wrote an article about sexual assault allegations at the College of Charleston and how rampant rape is on college campuses across the country. After that article came out, I got a lot of e-mails — from students at the college, alumni, and parents. And almost every person who wrote had this message: "I was raped."
Charleston City Paper  |  Alison Piepmeier  |  01-16-2013  |  The War on Women

Former NFL player Wade Davis finds new career helping LGBTQ youthnew

Wade Davis has come a long way since the days when he would drop dollars at a strip club, hoping to impress his teammates on the Tennessee Titans. A free agent in the NFL, the cornerback didn't want to give his football family even the tiniest inkling that he might be a little bit different from them.
Charleston City Paper  |  Susan Cohen  |  01-16-2013  |  LGBT

This is the Way the World Endsnew

There are lots of theories out there about the exact way we're all gonna die on Dec. 21. Pick your favorite theory from the options below. Some are real. Others we threw in for fun.
Charleston City Paper  |  Susan Cohen  |  12-13-2012  |  Disasters

Some Tips From A Survivalistnew

Have a hurricane kit. Steve Mosher learned that even before he moved to Charleston. Make sure there's a gallon of water for every person in the house. Don't forget the non-perishables either. "It's not about how much money you have in a crisis situation," he says, "because when Katrina hit Baton Rouge, it didn't matter how much money you had.
Charleston City Paper  |  Susan Cohen  |  12-12-2012  |  Disasters

Grover Norquist Draws the Linenew

There have always been libertarian and authoritarian strains within the Republican Party. Both are very different, and sometimes they're even incompatible.
Charleston City Paper  |  Jack Hunter  |  12-05-2012  |  Policy Issues

How Would Pot Tourism Impact Charleston?new

The answer: We have no idea.
Charleston City Paper  |  Susan Cohen  |  11-14-2012  |  Drugs

A Pro-Life View on Dronesnew

U.S. drone strikes violate the sanctity of life.
Charleston City Paper  |  Jack Hunter  |  10-31-2012  |  War

How to Spread the Good News of Secularismnew

Five tips for nonbelievers from the Carolinas Secular Conference.
Charleston City Paper  |  Paul Bowers  |  10-10-2012  |  Religion

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