AltWeeklies Wire

Baby Mannew

At 54, William Windsor sleeps in a crib, eats in a high chair and does it in his diaper -- by choice. Believe it.
Phoenix New Times  |  Joe Watson  |  06-13-2005  |  Children & Families

Solar Powernew

Rock critics call Of Montreal's work "sunny," but they're missing the dark side to some of its songs.
Phoenix New Times  |  Michele Laudig  |  06-07-2005  |  Profiles & Interviews

Uncle Sam Wants Your Kidsnew

Military recruiters are grabbing information on students from Phoenix schools without their parents' permission.
Phoenix New Times  |  John Dougherty  |  06-07-2005  |  War

System Fails to Protect Suicidal Inmatenew

Maricopa County deputies ignored Steve Cervantes' wails until he quieted down. By then he was dead.
Phoenix New Times  |  Paul Rubin  |  06-07-2005  |  Crime & Justice

Rancher Turns the Tables on Environmentalistsnew

The Center for Biological Diversity tried to make Jim Chilton a bad guy. He sued -- a switch, given that the Center is normally the one filing the lawsuits -- and won one of the biggest punitive damage awards Arizona is likely to see this year.
Phoenix New Times  |  Sarah Fenske  |  06-02-2005  |  Environment

New Arizona Law Takes Control of Schools from Polygamist Sectnew

Arizona Governor Janet Napolitano has signed into law a bill that will allow state education officials to take over the Colorado City Unified School District from a breakaway Mormon sect.
Phoenix New Times  |  John Dougherty  |  05-25-2005  |  Politics

Mixing It Upnew

These days, the cutting edge of music slices through a complicated cross section of sounds, blurring genres in its wake. Which is why the Coachella Valley Arts and Music Festival has become the platinum standard among events of its kind.
Phoenix New Times  |  Michele Laudig  |  05-17-2005  |  Concerts

Is Phoenix So Bad?new

The fifth-largest city in the United States has an inferiority complex. It's totally camp to hate Phoenix.
Phoenix New Times  |  Amy Silverman  |  05-17-2005  |  Commentary

Endurance Testnew

If there's one thing that'll make TJ Hill and his band xrayok successful, it's that understated virtue called patience. Well, that and some kick-ass songwriting, of course.
Phoenix New Times  |  Michele Laudig  |  05-11-2005  |  Profiles & Interviews

Outraged Citizens Hold Mexican Church-Goers Hostagenew

In a hunt for illegal immigrants, three off-duty baggage inspectors held an entire South Phoenix church congregation at gunpoint. The Maricopa county attorney's failure to prosecute the inspectors puts him on the fringe.
Phoenix New Times  |  Michael Lacey  |  05-11-2005  |  Commentary

Sleeping on Back Gives Some Babies Misshapen Headsnew

To avoid Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, pediatricians have said babies should sleep on their backs. An unintended and sometimes harmful consequence is that more children are developing flattened skulls.
Phoenix New Times  |  Sarah Fenske  |  05-11-2005  |  Science

Paradise Lost for Top Jockeynew

Kyle Kaenel has a chance to be the best. Racing, quite literally, is in his blood. But he may never race again.
Phoenix New Times  |  Bruce Rushton  |  05-03-2005  |  Sports

Exonerated Man Gets a Long-Awaited Second Chancenew

Ray Krone's got it all. An extreme makeover. Settlement money. Problem is, he can't seem to forgive those who screwed up and put him on Arizona's death row.
Phoenix New Times  |  Robert Nelson  |  04-26-2005  |  Crime & Justice

World Leaders Pretendnew

U2 has gone from the band that mattered most to arguably the most irrelevant.
Phoenix New Times  |  Joe Watson  |  04-19-2005  |  Profiles & Interviews

Never Been Funniernew

The framework of this indie masterpiece is an upcoming fan convention to be hosted by the Mesa Frozen Entree Enthusiasts Club, a collection of young losers who obsessively collect frozen TV dinners and hold meetings to discuss them.
Phoenix New Times  |  Robrt L. Pela  |  04-19-2005  |  Profiles & Interviews

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