AltWeeklies Wire
Methane Madnessnew
Montana Gov. Judy Martz insists that Canada assess the environmental impacts of coal bed methane drilling north of Glacier National Park. So why is she giving a pass to the same industry in her own backyard?
Missoula Independent |
Yogesh Simpson |
08-26-2004 |
Tale of Two Citiesnew
Stumping with Bush and Kerry in Portland, Oregon.
Missoula Independent |
George Ochenski |
08-26-2004 |
Iraq Hits Home in Montananew
On August 13, Kalispell's Lance Cpl. Kane Funke became Montana's fourth casualty of the war in Iraq. Kane's public funeral last week showed small-town Montana what it looks like when war hits home.
Missoula Independent |
Mike Keefe-Feldman |
08-26-2004 |
Tags: war & peace
In Space, No One Can Hear You Laughnew
For a synopsis, read a different review. It’s enough to know that a bunch of walking lunchboxes in a confined space (OK, a giant subterranean pyramid) in the middle of nowhere (all right already, half a mile under Antarctica) find out the hard way that they’re not alone.
Missoula Independent |
Andy Smetanka |
08-20-2004 |
Liberal Left Hooknew
Elder Democratic statesman George McGovern comes out swinging, quietly, in defense of American liberalism.
Missoula Independent |
Nicole Panter |
08-20-2004 |
Chocolate and Beets, Together at Lastnew
How heavenly is the taste of pure chocolate? Not very, unless heaven is a bitter place; chocolate -- the roasted seed coat of the cacau plant -- is made palatable only when combined with sugar. Oftentimes that sugar comes from beets -- the world’s #2 source of the sweet stuff, behind sugarcane.
Missoula Independent |
Ari LeVaux |
08-20-2004 |
Tags: beets
Post's Act of Contrition Not Enoughnew
We are realizing, as a nation, that mass hypnosis is not only possible, but that it’s already happened. In the case of the run-up to Iraq, through the fear and panic sowed by the Bush administration, a vast number of people allowed themselves to be led dumbfounded down the road to perdition.
Missoula Independent |
George Ochenski |
08-20-2004 |
Tags: media
Is B.C. Jeopardizing Glacier to Pay for the Olympics?new
British Columbia sees drilling in Elk Valley as a source of revenue. But with it comes with the possibility of impacting watersheds in Montana, including some in Glacier National Park, with increased salt or metal levels.
Missoula Independent |
Mike Keefe-Feldman |
08-20-2004 |
Of Ducks and Mennew
Chef Boy Ari caters to a Montana men's retreat and learns how to get the duck out.
Missoula Independent |
Ari LeVaux |
08-12-2004 |
Maximizing Me!new

The fledgling field of Life Coaching has come to Montana. Our intrepid reporter takes a long look in the mirror and wonders: Is she being all that she can be?
Missoula Independent |
Robin Troy |
08-12-2004 |
Community Takes Stock of Its Foodshednew
Some are concerned that dependency on oil to ship food around the country draws Americans into conflicts overseas. Now some communities, like Missoula, Mont., are doing food assessments to evaluate the local food security scene.
Missoula Independent |
Chef Boy Ari |
08-07-2004 |
Tags: agriculture, sustainable
Salad Gives You Something to Chew On at End of Mealnew
Food is about much more than how it tastes -- it’s about how you feel after you swallow. In this respect, it’s tough to beat raw foods.
Missoula Independent |
Chef Boy Ari |
08-07-2004 |
A Retrospective of Animation Pioneersnew
Before there was Pixar, before there were even computers, animators were making artistic strides independent of technology. Many still are.
Missoula Independent |
Andy Smetanka |
08-07-2004 |
Profiles & Interviews
Tags: animation
Wilderness on Holdnew
Next month the Wilderness Act turns 40. Montana hasn't put it to use in two decades. Is it still relevant today?
Missoula Independent |
Mike Keefe-Feldman |
08-06-2004 |
The Gall of the Wildnew
This anthology of 30 authors seeks to rescue nature writing from its own soft-focus postcard prose by putting people back in the landscape. The argument is overheated, but the contributions stand on their own merits.
Missoula Independent |
Nicole Panter |
08-06-2004 |