AltWeeklies Wire
The Enforcernew

Banks send lawyer Daniel Gordon after people who don’t pay their credit-card bills. Who is watching how he operates?
Willamette Week |
Nigel Jaquiss |
04-18-2013 |
Tags: debt collection
Exploding Hearts 4Evernew

10 years ago, a car crash wiped out Portland’s biggest punk band. Finally, the sole survivor tells all.
Willamette Week |
Emilee Booher |
03-28-2013 |
Tags: Exploding Hearts
Who Wants to Save a Junkie?new

Drug overdoses now kill more people than car accidents in this country. An expanded use of Narcan would radically change that.
Willamette Week |
Erin Fenner |
03-08-2013 |
Mohamed and “The Terror Factory”new

A look inside the Fed's counterterrorism campaign from the vantage point of an upcoming trial of the Portland Xmas tree bomber.
Willamette Week |
Trevor Aaronson |
01-09-2013 |
Crime & Justice
Tags: Terror
The First 30 Secondsnew

Portland hopes to shield the mentally ill from excessive force by putting the right cop on the scene.
Willamette Week |
Andrea Damewood |
12-18-2012 |
Crime & Justice
Rent A Pupnew

Oregon’s richest veterinarian wants to lease you a pet—but complaints dog his business.
Willamette Week |
Andrea Damewood |
11-16-2012 |
Animal Issues
Tags: Hannah the Pet Society
The President of Beersnew

We bootlegged beer from all 50 states for the ultimate American taste-off.
Willamette Week |
Martin Cizmar |
10-10-2012 |
Driving After the Influencenew

If Washington state legalizes dope, driving there could become risky for tokers.
Willamette Week |
Matthew Korfhage |
09-10-2012 |
Policy Issues
Stop the Pressesnew

The Oregonian may not be a daily newspaper much longer.
Willamette Week |
Aaron Mesh |
08-08-2012 |
Tags: The Oregonian
Spying the Friendly Skiesnew

Drone aircraft used for recon in Afghanistan are now in the U.S. Northwest.
Willamette Week |
Corey Pein |
06-26-2012 |
Tags: Drone Spying, Insitu

Walking in the complicated shadows of Elvis Costello's storied past.
Willamette Week |
Casey Jarman |
04-13-2012 |
A Newsman's Secretnew

The woman with Oregonian editor Bob Caldwell on the day he died works as an internet call girl.
Willamette Week |
Corey Pein |
03-21-2012 |
Jail Birdsnew

The fastest-growing group of inmates in Oregon: Women.
Willamette Week |
Hannah Hoffman |
01-23-2012 |
Crime & Justice
Tags: Prisons, Women in Prison
Crazy Enoughnew

Getting off, snorting up and wrestling with family demons—excerpts from Storm Large’s new memoir.
Willamette Week |
Storm Large |
01-04-2012 |

Thanks to Julian Assange, we now know how Oregon’s top company fights corruption, counterfeiting and Croatian smugglers.
Willamette Week |
Corey Pein |
12-20-2011 |
Business & Labor