AltWeeklies Wire

Down To 'The Wire'new

On crime, corruption and journalism.
Shepherd Express  |  Evan Rytlewski  |  01-25-2008  |  TV

A Boy and His Monsternew

The Water Horse rises well above the level of most contemporary family films. It's moving and amusing, addresses the concerns of adulthood and childhood and is intelligent rather than merely smart allecky or even clever.
Shepherd Express  |  David Luhrssen  |  01-11-2008  |  Reviews

Minds Not Wastednew

An admirable spirit of social uplift animates The Great Debaters.
Shepherd Express  |  David Luhrssen  |  01-11-2008  |  Reviews

From Texas to Afghanistannew

Directed by Mike Nichols and written by Aaron Sorkin, Charlie Wilson's War would be farcical if it weren't close to the truth.
Shepherd Express  |  David Luhrssen  |  01-04-2008  |  Reviews

Corn-fed Americanew

King Corn, an amusing and entertaining documentary, traces the sources of the food problem displayed in Super Size Me.
Shepherd Express  |  David Luhrssen  |  11-19-2007  |  Reviews

It Came From Lake Michigan Film Fest Features Blood, Blood and Bloodnew

The sky is overcast, foreboding, as dark clouds quickly roll in and a thunderclap is heard in the near distance. It is a bleak day for we, the aggrieved.
Shepherd Express  |  Tea Krulos  |  10-22-2007  |  Movies

'Bamako' Puts World Bank on Trialnew

The film is a devastating and eloquent indictment of the world's careless disregard for an entire continent.
Shepherd Express  |  David Luhrssen  |  09-28-2007  |  Reviews

'The Banquet' Serves Shakespeare with a Chinese Twistnew

Openly borrowing from two of The Bard's darkest plays, Hamlet and Macbeth, The Banquet gluts itself on vicarious human passions.
Shepherd Express  |  Aisha Motlani  |  09-28-2007  |  Reviews

The Internet Haunts in 'Tell No One'new

Director Guillaume Canet explores the dark side of the Internet, with its potential for stripping users of their privacy and of transmitting unwanted messages.
Shepherd Express  |  David Luhrssen  |  09-28-2007  |  Reviews

Director Usama Alshaibi on Wartime Iraqi Lifenew

Alshaibi was born in Iraq, but his parents were able to flee the country with their children while Saddam Hussein was in power. After the 2003 invasion, he went back to see how his relatives were doing.
Shepherd Express  |  Lia Kaiser  |  09-28-2007  |  Profiles & Interviews

AIDS Beginsnew

Director André Téchiné dramatizes the onset of AIDS through the lives of four interconnected people, two of them gay, one uncertain and the other heterosexual.
Shepherd Express  |  David Luhrssen  |  09-10-2007  |  Reviews

Danny DeVito Preps for 'It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia'new

He measures 4-foot-11 on his tiptoes, is pudgy, balding and has a face that would never be confused with that of a matinee idol -- hardly the attributes of a modern-day celebrity.
Shepherd Express  |  Nathan Lerner  |  09-10-2007  |  Profiles & Interviews

Milwaukee Tries to Lure Filmmakers with New Tax Creditnew

Filmmakers are already filming a pilot that would make the city a TV setting for the first time since the Laverne & Shirley and Happy Days nostalgia series of the 1970s.
Shepherd Express  |  Dennis A. Shook  |  09-10-2007  |  Movies

'Star Wars' and Afternew

The movie that redefined Hollywood.
Shepherd Express  |  David Luhrssen  |  06-01-2007  |  Movies

Rear Endednew

Disturbia is Hitchcock's Rear Window transposed from Eisenhower-era Manhattan to the leafy confines of contemporary, Generation Z suburbia.
Shepherd Express  |  David Luhrssen  |  04-09-2007  |  Reviews

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