AltWeeklies Wire

A Q&A with director Sacha Gervasinew

For filmmaker Sacha Gervasi, reinvention has been both an inevitable professional trajectory and a personal test of will.
San Antonio Current  |  Jeff Meyers  |  12-05-2012  |  Profiles & Interviews

Hitchcock is less about birds, more about the man — and the woman behind himnew

Sacha Gervasi's Hitchcock, based on the lauded 1990 book Alfred Hitchcock and the Making of Psycho, might've been somewhat better served if, while plumbing its source material for story arc and character beats, its crafters had just gone ahead and borrowed the title, as well.
San Antonio Current  |  Brian Villalobos  |  12-05-2012  |  Reviews

Joe Wright attempts to slap a new facade on an old 'Anna Karenina' barnnew

Does Tolstoy really matter anymore? Directors regularly attempt to plunder the great master's musty catalog, among which the sweaty, love-drenched Anna Karenina ranks as one of the greats.
San Antonio Current  |  Corey Hall  |  11-28-2012  |  Movies

Life of Pi's success is visual, rather than dramaticnew

You will not see a better looking film this year. But you will undoubtedly see better films.
San Antonio Current  |  Jeffrey Meyer  |  11-28-2012  |  Reviews

Martial arts way of life leads RZA to 'The Man with the Iron Fists'new

Introduced to Hollywood in the late '90s, RZA — Grammy-winning hip-hop MC/producer and co-founder of the Wu-Tang Clan — thought he would try something different when filmmaker Jim Jarmusch asked him to compose music for his new action-drama Ghost Dog: Way of the Samurai. It was not a gig he thought would lead to anything.
San Antonio Current  |  Kiko Martínez  |  10-31-2012  |  Profiles & Interviews

'Malibu Country' has it all: moldy oldies, boobs, and gay mockingnew

Start-Ups: Silicon Valley (9pm Mon, Bravo) Bravo usually focuses its reality series on good-looking socialites or business people.
San Antonio Current  |  Dean Robbins  |  10-31-2012  |  TV

Found footage gimmick has lost its luster in 'Paranormal Activity 4'new

There’s not much paranormal activity in Paranormal Activity 4. As a matter of fact, there’s not much of anything in this most recent installment that is as frightening or interesting as the three previous movies.
San Antonio Current  |  Kiko Martinez  |  10-26-2012  |  Reviews

The original (and best) 'Halloween' returnsnew

Thirty-four years after its release, John Carpenter's original Halloween remains the best in the Michael Myers series.
San Antonio Current  |  Enrique Lopetegui  |  10-26-2012  |  Reviews

'Blood Cousins' is entertaining, but needs a serious exorcismnew

It's not very difficult to see the impressive little independent comedy trying to fight its way out of the awkward mishmash of genres in the local film Blood Cousins.
San Antonio Current  |  KikO MARTÍNEZ  |  10-26-2012  |  Reviews

'Made in Jersey' undresses crime with hairspray and tight jeansnew

Forget the overrated Homeland. If you’re looking for an international spy thriller on premium cable, this is the one to watch. The pilot messes with your head so skillfully that you’re woozy by the 30-minute mark. And thoroughly intrigued.
San Antonio Current  |  Dean Robbins  |  10-17-2012  |  TV

Director Ben Affleck delivers neatly packaged spy thriller 'Argo'new

Imagine what screenwriter Lionel Chetwynd must've been thinking when former CIA officer Tony Mendez released his book Master of Disguise in 1999.
San Antonio Current  |  Kiko Martinez  |  10-17-2012  |  Reviews

'V/H/S', the scariest film only a few have seennew

V/H/S opened on October 5 in only 16 theaters nationwide, earning a pale $36,402 so far. As of this writing, there’s no information on whether the movie will even open in San Antonio theaters.
San Antonio Current  |  Enrique Lopetegui  |  10-17-2012  |  Reviews

At age 80, multi-award winner Rita Moreno still vocal about challenges Latinas face in Hollywoodnew

Fifty years after actress Rita Moreno earned an Academy Award for her role as Anita del Carmen in West Side Story, the Puerto Rico-born performer is still the only Latina to ever win an Oscar in an acting category.
San Antonio Current  |  KIKO MARTÍNEZ  |  09-20-2012  |  Profiles & Interviews

'The Master': P.T. Anderson's prowess once again confirmednew

Pornography as a cultural influence in Boogie Nights; the squeaky sound of an abandoned harmonium in Punch-Drunk Love; frogs falling from the sky in Magnolia.
San Antonio Current  |  KikO MARTÍNEZ  |  09-20-2012  |  Movies

Life: The Romantic Comedynew

Dr. Mindy Lahiri (Mindy Kaling) has spent a lifetime looking for the perfect man, but she can’t find him. In the pilot for this new series, we perceive her problem: She sees everything through the lens of romantic comedies like When Harry Met Sally.
San Antonio Current  |  Dean Robbins  |  09-20-2012  |  TV

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