AltWeeklies Wire

Pennsylvania Fight for Voter ID Far From Overnew

Pennsylvania's Voter ID decision is in the hands of a judge. No matter which way he comes down, the fight is set to go on for several years.
Philadelphia Weekly  |  Randy LoBasso  |  08-07-2013  |  Politics

Brian Sims' first six months as a state legislatornew

A profile of Pennsylvania's first elected openly-gay state representative, who finds that bridging the political divide is slow work—but he's determined.
Philadelphia Weekly  |  Randy LoBasso  |  07-18-2013  |  Politics

Hip-Hop Dancers Teach Kids a Civil Rights Lessonnew

A successful Kickstarter campaign means Hip Hop Fundamentals finally gets to bring its history-by-music program to underfunded Philly schools.
Philadelphia Weekly  |  Randy LoBasso  |  07-01-2013  |  Culture

Against medical advice, Corbett poised to sign another restrictive women's healthcare billnew

Pennsylvania Governor Corbett is expected to sign into law a bill that would mandate that private insurers participating in the state exchange not cover abortion, even when it threatens the health of the mother.
Philadelphia Weekly  |  Tara Murtha  |  06-13-2013  |  Health

SCOTUS Ruling May Greenlight PA Police to "Stop & Swab"new

The recent SCOTUS ruling on Constitutionality of seizing citizen DNA without criminal conviction may mean PA police will start to "stop & swab." But state police say the law would expand the backlog.
Philadelphia Weekly  |  Tara Murtha  |  06-10-2013  |  Politics

ACLU marijuana report offers new insight into growing problemnew

In Philadelphia, blacks are fives times more likely to be arrested—and, in some parts of Pennsylvania, 10 times more likely. Pennsylvania is amongst the 12 states with the highest number of marijuana arrests in 2010, according to the report. Similarly, as it pertains to increased marijuana arrests from 2001-2010, we’re 13th in the nation.
Philadelphia Weekly  |  Randy LoBasso  |  06-06-2013  |  Drugs

Abortion Insurance Ban Passes Pa. Senatenew

The Pennsylvania Senate passed House Bill 818, which prohibits women from purchasing access to abortion coverage in the Obamacare health exchanges going into effect in 2014. It also prohibits private insurance companies from selling it.
Philadelphia Weekly  |  Randy LoBasso  |  06-06-2013  |  The War on Women

Q&A: "Dirty Wars" Author Jeremy Scahillnew

Journalist and author Jeremy Scahill talks his recent book and corresponding documentary film, "Dirty Wars."
Philadelphia Weekly  |  Randy LoBasso  |  05-29-2013  |  Author Profiles & Interviews

Ex-Philly "Hero cop" DeCoatsworth: One Man's Descent or System Failure?new

Despite DeCoatsworth’s history of violence, the story is playing out in the media, locally and nationally, as a hero cop’s shocking fall from grace.
Philadelphia Weekly  |  Tara Murtha  |  05-22-2013  |  Commentary

Acting Governornew

Donning a stiff silver crown of Thundercat hair favored by Southern ladies of a certain age—writer Molly Ivins once referred to it as “Republican hair”—Taylor moves with Ann Richards' gait, cracks wise in her accent and delivers not just information about Richards, but the essence of her colorful personality.
Philadelphia Weekly  |  Tara Murtha  |  05-22-2013  |  Performance

GunCrisis in Philadelphia: Another Night in Paradisenew

It's been one year since the solutions-oriented, volunteer journalism project GunCrisis was launched. Tonight, we see a body within two hours.
Philadelphia Weekly  |  Tara Murtha  |  04-28-2013  |  Crime & Justice

The Kermit Gosnell Case Show Abortion Isn't a Red or Blue Issue—It's Pinknew

Though abortion as a buzzword is considered a red-state-vs.-blue-state hot-button issue, what the Gosnell media case reveals is that abortion in reality, is neither a red nor blue issue. It's pink.
Philadelphia Weekly  |  Tara Murtha  |  04-25-2013  |  Crime & Justice

Abortion Doctor's Defense: Case Is an "Elitist, Racist Prosecution"new

After reminding jurors about the legal presumption of innocence, the attorney for Philadelphia abortion provider Kermit Gosnell revealed his main theme: Gosnell, a black man, is a victim of an "elitist, racist prosecution."
Philadelphia Weekly  |  Tara Murtha  |  03-18-2013  |  Crime & Justice

Queen of the Deadnew

Rogue taxidermist Beth Beverly, star of AMC's new show Immortalized, gives dead birds and animals a second life as beautiful and bizarre wearable art.
Philadelphia Weekly  |  Tara Murtha  |  02-13-2013  |  Art

VP Joe Biden Talks Gun Violence Initiatives in Philadelphianew

The Vice President traveled to Philadelphia for a roundtable on gun violence the morning a gunman opened fire killing three in his old stomping grounds in Wilmington, Del., where his son is Attorney General.
Philadelphia Weekly  |  Tara Murtha  |  02-12-2013  |  Crime & Justice

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