AltWeeklies Wire
UCF Barely Escapes Tragedynew

If James Seevakumaran’s plans hadn’t been interrupted, Orlando would have been ground zero for the next national tragedy.
Orlando Weekly |
Jeffery Billman |
03-29-2013 |
Crime & Justice
Six Things That Have Barely Changed Since Trayvon Martin's Deathnew

Sanford will soon have a new police chief, but other than that, things are still pretty much the same.
Orlando Weekly |
Erin Sullivan |
03-01-2013 |
Crime & Justice
Tags: Trayvon Martin
Kicked Out For Coming Outnew

Zebra Coalition gives homeless LGBTQ kids a helping hand.
Orlando Weekly |
Katherine Ramirez Massey |
01-23-2013 |
Sick of Itnew

Florida activists race against time to get question on the ballot that will let voters decide whether businesses should have to offer paid sick leave to employees.
Orlando Weekly |
Billy Manes |
07-06-2012 |
Tags: Health
Shoot First, Cry Laternew

The first of its kind, Florida's shoot first, judge later legislation came to life (or death) in 2005, assuring all responsible owners of guns that they could shoot first and ask questions later without fear of legal reprisal. Now similar laws prevail in 24 states.
Orlando Weekly |
Billy Manes |
06-14-2012 |
Crime & Justice
Sanford's Black Eyenew

As public scrutiny of the Trayvon Martin case mounts, the city of Sanford struggles with its reputation.
Orlando Weekly |
Erin Sullivan |
04-05-2012 |
Race & Class
We are Trayvon Martinnew

Scenes from the Justice for Trayvon rallies, protests and hearings in Sanford, Fla.
Orlando Weekly |
Barry Kirsch |
03-28-2012 |
Race & Class
An exit interview with Planned Parenthood of Greater Orlando's CEOnew

Sue Idtensohn's retirement comes at a pivotal point for reproductive rights in Florida
Orlando Weekly |
Billy Manes |
03-23-2012 |
The War on Women
'Stand Your Ground'new

It's been three weeks since a Sanford, Fla. vigilante, George Zimmerman, shot 17-year-old Trayvon Martin to death, apparently for looking suspicious – and, according to Zimmerman's own words, for being black and wearing a hoodie. What's taking so long for police to arrest Zimmerman?
Orlando Weekly |
Erin Sullivan |
03-19-2012 |
Crime & Justice
Live, Work, Paynew

How an accident pushed one Orlando woman into the intersection of Orlando's professional-incest machine.
Orlando Weekly |
Billy Manes |
02-23-2012 |
Crime & Justice
Tags: graves amendment, tort law
Separate, Not Equalnew

Orlando's same-sex couples celebrate passage of new domestic partner registry, but a fumble by Orange County's mayor dampens the mood.
Orlando Weekly |
Billy Manes |
01-12-2012 |
Hospitality for the Homelessnew

Downtown Orlando church turns front porch into shelter for growing number of homeless.
Orlando Weekly |
Erin Sullivan |
12-30-2011 |
Neutering the Watchdogsnew
Interference in Floridaa's Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program could mean less oversight of nursing homes and assisted-living facilities
Orlando Weekly |
Erin Sullivan |
11-10-2011 |
The View From Venusnew

Jacque Fresco designed a society without politics, poverty and war. Will it ever leave the drawing board?
Orlando Weekly |
Jeff Gore |
10-14-2011 |
The Land of Abstinence and Unicornsnew

Lizz Winstead stands up for Planned Parenthood.
Orlando Weekly |
Billy Manes |
10-14-2011 |
The War on Women