AltWeeklies Wire
Bill Clinton rallies for Indiana Demsnew

Speaking to 4,000 supporters packed into the North Central High School gym, Clinton advocated for the Democrats' approach to government.
Thought Bitenew

Korean War vet and retired U.S. Rep. Andy Jacobs, D-Ind., who served in Congress from 1965-1997, continues to challenge Hoosiers with his weekly mental joyride.
Andy Jacobs Jr. |
10-10-2012 |
Tags: Conservatives, The Bible
Indiana Governor's Racenew

Thanks to Rupert Boneham, John Gregg and Mike Pence for taking the time to give us a taste of what they're about and how they might handle some of the issues facing our governor.
Haiku Newsnew

This week's important stories told to you in 17 syllables. On this week's docket: violent film criticism, old sheriffs and deadly golf.
Jim Poyser |
09-21-2012 |
Thought Bitenew

Korean War vet and retired U.S. Rep. Andy Jacobs, D-Ind., who served in Congress from 1965-1997, continues to challenge Hoosiers with his weekly mental joyride.
NUVO Editors |
09-19-2012 |
Gender diversity returns to Supreme Courtnew

Judge Loretta Hogan Rush will be the second woman to serve on the Indiana Supreme Court - the first in 13 years. Gov. Mitch Daniels announced the appointment Friday.
Republican Idealismnew
Republicans are idealists. They're not interested in politics. What they want is a whole new world.
David Hoppe |
09-04-2012 |
Tags: RNC 2012
Daniels seeks input on health exchangesnew

Pence, Boneham meetings complete. Gregg campaign says the Democratic candidate will meet with the governor in the next few weeks.
Right-to-Work debate returnsnew

A fresh debate erupted this week over the effects of the state's so-called "Right-to-Work" law passed by the Indiana General Assembly earlier this year.
Nonprofit Dark Money Dominates Politicsnew

Forget super PACs ... more money is being spent on TV advertising in the presidential race by social welfare nonprofits - may of which claim not to be politically active.
Romney's record will hurt himnew
With less than 100 days until the presidential election, the public opinion polls would have us believe the race is close, that Romney is neck and neck with Obama. I'm not so sure.
Tags: Barack Obama
Indiana Gubernatorial candidates raise millionsnew

Pence raises $3 million in 2nd quarter compared to Gregg's $1.8 million. Libertarian Rupert Boneham raised just short of $17,000, but is making up for cash shortage with heart, says his campaign manager.
A Return to Un-United Statesnew
While much of the United States will spend Independence Day drinking, grilling burgers, using illegal fireworks or all of those things, I'll be thinking about the Supreme Court.
Steve Hammer |
06-27-2012 |
This is Your Brain On ... Ideologynew

Exploring the psychology of politics, author Chris Mooney finds Liberal and Conservative brains function differently.