AltWeeklies Wire
Cooking Cancernew
Doctors at the Medical College of Georgia add new tools for fighting lung cancer, including those that attack the disease without invasive surgery.
Metro Spirit |
Tom Grant |
11-14-2007 |
Tags: Health & Science
Schools of Faithnew
Secular homeschoolers try to find organizations to support their educational work, but discover that most groups emphasize Christian activities and learning programs.
Metro Spirit |
John Hughes |
11-14-2007 |
Tags: Education
Reclaiming Lost Homes
With the meteoric rise in foreclosures nationally -- and particularly in Georgia -- courthouse auctios have become the mechanism by which a community reclaims many of the homes and, hopefully, begins to heal itself.
Metro Spirit |
Erika Bolin |
10-12-2007 |
Housing & Development
Fighting Foreclosurenew
How to possibly stop foreclosure in its tracks.
Metro Spirit |
Erika Bolin |
10-12-2007 |
Housing & Development
Don't Ask, Don't Tell, Don't Typenew

Three former military linguists discuss DOD policy on gays in the military and how it affected their service to the country.
Metro Spirit |
Angel Cleary |
08-30-2007 |
Tags: gay & lesbian issues
Wheelchair Crusadernew
Tim Hollobaugh's fight on behalf of the disabled is finally getting some attention -- whether it will result in any changes is another story.
Metro Spirit |
Erika Bolin |
08-20-2007 |
Housing & Development
Tags: housing & development
God Says 'Sell'new
Evans Community Baptist Church sells its property for $1.6 million, makes plans to start seven new churches with the money.
Metro Spirit |
Angel Cleary |
08-20-2007 |
Tags: religion
Memory Servednew
Groundbreaking Alzheimer's program at the Morris Museum of Art gives back to patients what the disease so cruelly took -- their past.
Metro Spirit |
Stacey Hudson |
07-03-2007 |
A FairTax Analysisnew
The FairTax is a plan to eliminate every form of federal taxes and institute a national sales tax -- though it's sold as a populist measure, the FairTax would represent a massive transfer of wealth from the America's middle class to its billionaires.
Metro Spirit |
Corey Pein |
07-03-2007 |
Policy Issues
Tags: public policy issues
Would Jesus Go to War?new

How my Christian faith overwhelmed my conscience and led me away from the military life.
Metro Spirit |
Michael Thames |
06-29-2007 |