AltWeeklies Wire

Unclaimed: Dead and Buried Alone in Massachusettsnew

Unclaimed bodies are those that their families either not found or, when contacted, not wanting to shoulder the hefty financial burden of burying them – it can cost at least $3,000 for even the most basic burial. In other instances, the reasons run much deeper and are much more personal.
Worcester Magazine  |  Walter Bird Jr.  |  03-20-2014  |  Features

One with bald eaglesnew

38 nesting pairs of bald eagles now inhabit the Worcester region, thanks to the efforts of Dianne Benson Davis and others starting in the early 1980s.
Worcester Magazine  |  Lynne Hedvig  |  02-20-2014  |  Environment

For Polar, It's a Local Thingnew

Just as Worcester has worked to establish its own identity and become the destination of choice in Massachusetts, the 132-year-old Polar Beverages has adapted to a changing business climate and separated itself from the pack as an independent bottler.
Worcester Magazine  |  Walter Bird Jr.  |  02-20-2014  |  Business & Labor

Police background checks rigorous, but ‘nothing is foolproof'new

The police officer charged with raping a woman while on duty last year had to undergo what Worcester police describe as a “rigorous background check,” but that was when he was initially applying for a job. Officer Rajat Sharda was laid off in 2009 because of budget cuts and reinstated in 2011. When he returned, he had to pass another physical test. His last employer was also checked, but Sharda did not have to go through the same process as when he first applied.
Worcester Magazine  |  Walter Bird Jr.  |  02-18-2014  |  Crime & Justice

U.S. Supreme Court to Rule on Abortion Clinic Buffer Zonesnew

Forty-one years after Roe v. Wade, the Supreme Court is charged with deciding whether a 35-foot buffer zone around entrances, exits and driveways of abortion clinics – specifically Planned Parenthoods in Boston, Worcester and Springfield – are constitutional.
Worcester Magazine  |  Brittany Durgin  |  02-06-2014  |  Civil Liberties

Higgins incorporators vote to close and move collectionnew

Higgins Armory museum board of trustees vote to close the museum and transfer the collection to Worcester Art Museum
Worcester Magazine  |  Brittany Durgin  |  04-07-2013  |  Business & Labor

It's JetBlue for the Woonew

JetBlue announces flights to and from Worcester Regional Airport starting this November.
Worcester Magazine  |  Walter Bird Jr.  |  04-07-2013  |  Transportation

Worcester Mag's Hometown Heroesnew

Some stand out for putting their own lives in danger so that others will be safe. Others dedicate their lives to giving to others. For some, the desire to help others transcends all else. All the heroes we honor this year have at least one thing in common: They don’t consider what they do heroic and they aren’t seeking the limelight. That’s OK. We’re more than happy to shine it on them anyway.
Worcester Magazine  |  Walter Bird Jr. and Brittany Durgin  |  11-30-2012  |  Features

Rising Optimismnew

If you work in downtown Worcester, maybe in one of the buildings reaching high enough to afford a view over the rooftops, chances are your gaze has captured the hustle and bustle of building crews, electrical contractors, plumbers and dozens more tradesmen and women scurrying about.
Worcester Magazine  |  Walter Bird Jr.  |  09-27-2012  |  Housing & Development

A Call For Actionnew

While Massachusetts ranks as only 15th in the country in population, the state ranks 5th in opiate-overdose deaths. In fact more people die in Massachusetts from opiate abuse than from car accidents.
Worcester Magazine  |  Jeremy Shulkin  |  08-30-2011  |  Drugs

Will Polar Beverages Rescue the Worcester Telegram & Gazette?new

After 10 years of increasing integration between the T&G and the Boston Globe, increased cost-cutting, and operational "efficiencies," what has to be restored once the New York Times is not paying the bills?
Worcester Magazine  |  Tim O'Keefe  |  11-09-2009  |  Media

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