AltWeeklies Wire
Ode to Ms. Wilsonnew
Maggie Neff recalls the first time she heard Grammy winner (and native Mississippian) Cassandra Wilson.
Jackson Free Press |
Maggie Neff |
02-19-2009 |
Tags: Mississippi, Cassandra Wilson
Use Essential Oils for Essential Healingnew
Healers and spiritual masters have been using essential oils for centuries. Now, you can, too.
Jackson Free Press |
Julie Chaffin |
02-13-2009 |
Protect Workers' Rights -- Enact the Employee Free Choice Actnew
It's time to level the economic playing field by encouraging workers to organize and enacting the Employee Free Choice Act.
Jackson Free Press |
Bill Chandler |
02-13-2009 |
Unemployed Winonew
Pour a drop of wine for the unemployed, victims of corporate scams and those smiling individuals who are financially terrorized.
Jackson Free Press |
Ken Stiggers |
02-13-2009 |
Tags: humor & satire, economic issues
The Baked Potato: Like Manna from Heavennew
After a day or two of fasting on just broth and juice, that baked potato was like manna from heaven. Even today, a baked potato has almost spiritual connotations for me.
Jackson Free Press |
Sarah Christine Bolton |
12-29-2008 |
Moving On to New Thingsnew
I hate moving! If I had to make a list of my least desirable things to do, moving would be just above being held hostage in a Cambodian prison camp and getting a prostate exam from a blind doctor.
Jackson Free Press |
Kamikaze |
12-29-2008 |
Christmas in the Ghettonew
Bart Starrchild: "This is your token Caucasian announcer broadcasting live from the Funky Ghetto Mall. I'm here for the premiere of the Ghetto Science Team’s Community Christmas Parade titled 'A Missing Toe Christmas,' brought you by the Ghetto Science Team Television Network."
Jackson Free Press |
Ken Stiggers |
12-29-2008 |
The Christmas Miraclenew
I've always loved the holidays. I like the fall smells in the air, eggnog lattes and almost any dessert spiced with cinnamon. I especially adore the whiskey drinks and how no one seems to mind if you get publicly drunk between the last week in November and Jan. 1.
Jackson Free Press |
Lori Gregory |
12-04-2008 |
Hoop in Hard Timesnew
Rev. Cletus: "Welcome to a special radio broadcast titled 'Tithing and the Economy.'"
Jackson Free Press |
Sue Doh Nem |
12-04-2008 |
Tags: humor & satire, economic issues
Confessions of an ex-Martha Wannabenew
I once was a Martha Stewart wannabe. Sparkling holiday decorations on slick magazine pages danced in my head like sugar plums.
Jackson Free Press |
Terri Cowart |
12-01-2008 |
Holiday Traditions Unwrappednew
From Mistletoe to Menorah, we've got you covered.
Jackson Free Press |
KateTerry |
12-01-2008 |
Alternatives to the 'Holiday' Letternew
What is it about December that tempts even the most modest people to break out the Kinkos stationary and pen excessively boastful form letters? You know the ones I'm talking about: cheesy rants and run-ons disguised as Christmas cards that flood your mailbox every winter until the joyous season ends.
Jackson Free Press |
Brandi Herrera Pfrehm |
12-01-2008 |
One-Way Metro Streetnew
I often find myself asking, "What does the term 'metro Jackson' really mean?"
Jackson Free Press |
Kamikaze |
12-01-2008 |
Tags: Jackson, metropolitan areas
Inauguration at the Disconew
Momma Roscoe: "I thought I'd never see this day. And you know what I mean. This old lady hasn't been this excited since John F. Kennedy was elected president in 1961."
Jackson Free Press |
Sue Doh Nem |
12-01-2008 |
Holidays Can be Filled with Many Emotions Other Than Cheernew
Ultimately, all our collective holiday suffering has to do with being unable to accept reality, whether that's being stuck remembering the way things once were, or putting too much emphasis on how things "ought" to be.
Jackson Free Press |
Ronni Mott |
11-25-2008 |