AltWeeklies Wire

'Et Tu Brute?' Looks at Rendering Caesarnew

Instead of tracing the dismal lineage of political murder, from antiquity to Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, Woolf's concise book studies the history of one political murder, the murder of Caesar.
The Texas Observer  |  Steven G. Kellman  |  09-10-2007  |  Nonfiction

The Texas Redneck Games: A Redneck State of Mindnew

But don't confuse these hard partyers with white trash.
The Texas Observer  |  John MacCormack  |  09-10-2007  |  Recreation

The Inanity of a DHS Fence in South Texasnew

A proposed Rio Grande fence will separate families, wreck economies, and threaten wildlife, but it won't stop illegal immigrants.
The Texas Observer  |  Mary Jo McConahay  |  09-10-2007  |  Immigration

Fred Thompson Finally Gets In The Deep Endnew

While covering Watergate, Hunter S. Thompson seemed oddly fascinated with the young lawyer from Tennessee -- and I think he would be surprised but not shocked to know that in September 2007, Fred Thompson would be announcing (finally) his campaign for Nixon's old job.
The Texas Observer  |  Cody Garrett  |  09-06-2007  |  Commentary

The Army's Deadly VX Waste is Burning In Texasnew

The Army has claimed the waste is no more dangerous than kitchen cleaners, but when environmental scientists began looking at the disposal process, they found scary scenarios.
The Texas Observer  |  Rusty Middleton  |  09-04-2007  |  Environment

'American Furies': Heartbreak Hotelnew

The politics and folly of criminal justice are familiar ground for Abramsky, and his latest book is not a riveting tale -- its value lies in making us consider why we do what we do, how we came to this point, and why it's important to trace history's longer arcs.
The Texas Observer  |  Stayton Bonner  |  08-13-2007  |  Nonfiction

'Brothers': Chasing Assassinsnew

Bobby Kennedy died believing his brother's killers had not been found.
The Texas Observer  |  Matthew Stevenson  |  08-13-2007  |  Nonfiction

Moveable Feastnew

Despite the attention brought to "food miles" by books like Deep Economy, Plenty, and Animal, Vegetable, Miracle, eating local isn't always the greenest option.
The Texas Observer  |  James McWilliams  |  08-13-2007  |  Books

The Bush Administration: Unhinged and Dangerousnew

Seldom if ever has a White House been as untethered from the will of the people, or reality for that matter, as the administration of George W. Bush in its second term.
The Texas Observer  |  Editorial  |  07-16-2007  |  Commentary

Survival Among the Ruinsnew

Jim Crace's The Pesthouse and Cormac McCarthy's The Road both look at a blistered, disintegrating, post-nuclear-war America.
The Texas Observer  |  Paul Christensen  |  07-16-2007  |  Fiction

Renegade Bloggers Besiege the Southern Baptist Conventionnew

Bloggers have become the new Baptist bogeymen -- for non-Baptists, their ascendance may well mean that the potent political force against secular culture will become less powerful in national politics.
The Texas Observer  |  Michael Erard  |  07-16-2007  |  Religion

A Lesson in Equal Protectionnew

Inside the Texas cases that opened the schoolhouse door to undocumented immigrant children.
The Texas Observer  |  Barbara Belejack  |  07-16-2007  |  Immigration

A Texas Town is Poisoned, But No One is Responsiblenew

A pesticide-processing plant that operated in South Mission from 1950 to 1972 is believed to be the cause of cancer and birth defects -- but since the facility closed, attempts to remove toxic residues and compensate residents have repeatedly foundered.
The Texas Observer  |  Jesse Boga  |  07-03-2007  |  Environment

Gov. Rick Perry Strikes Againnew

Perry has proved again that the 61 percent of Texans who voted against him in the last election were right - the governor is more than willing to put revenge and ideology before sound public policy.
The Texas Observer  |  Editorial  |  07-03-2007  |  Commentary

Erard Mines Applied Bluderologynew

The subtext -- and pretext -- of this book is that in 2007 you don't need a blunderologist to tell you that the most powerful man in the world is a gaffe factory.
The Texas Observer  |  Steven G. Kellman  |  07-03-2007  |  Nonfiction

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