AltWeeklies Wire
Battling Bushnew
A national recovery plan for Blue America: Start small, rebuild the organization, and hone the message.
Boston Phoenix |
Brian C. Jones |
11-19-2004 |
How to Steal Ohionew
No controversy this time? Think again. Republicans just don't like it when those pesky Democrats try to vote.
Boston Phoenix |
David S. Bernstein |
11-11-2004 |
Axis of Evil: Five Dangerous Republicansnew
Meet the new Republican senators. Five of them hope to make your worst nightmares come true.
Boston Phoenix |
Dan Kennedy |
11-11-2004 |
Screw You, Americanew

Here's why 51 percent of the voters are wrong. To put it in lingo a NASCAR devotee would understand, "Y’all deserve a good talkin’-to."
Boston Phoenix |
Clif Garboden |
11-11-2004 |
The Horror of Four More Yearsnew

George W. Bush assumes the mantle of leadership in his own right with the nation divided as it hasn't been since the Civil War.
Boston Phoenix |
The Editors |
11-05-2004 |
Virgin Votersnew
A first-time voter heads behind the curtain.
Boston Phoenix |
Deirdre Fulton |
11-05-2004 |
Ain't That Americanew
If John Kerry and George W. Bush were running for prime minister in the United Kingdom right now, Bush would be ridiculed, and Kerry would be looked upon as a stiff, upper-class twit, says a Scottish nationalist.
Boston Phoenix |
Mike Miliard |
11-05-2004 |
Blue in a Red Americanew

For those who live in Blue America, Election Day's crimson tide was a terrible blow not just to their hopes for a Kerry victory, but to their very idea of what it means to be an American.
Boston Phoenix |
Dan Kennedy |
11-05-2004 |
Kerry Concedes Too Much
John Kerry’s been challenging us with baffling arguments this entire campaign. So why should he stop now?
Boston Phoenix |
Adam Reilly |
11-03-2004 |
Tags: election, post-mortem
Rough Night at Kerry Headquarters

The crowd at Kerry headquarters in Boston on election night had grown glum, but the mood changed at 10:53 p.m., when Pennsylvania and its 21 electoral votes were called for Kerry.
Boston Phoenix |
Adam Reilly |
11-03-2004 |
What Did Ralph Nader Do With Our Money?new
The public’s money, it seems, went to fund a sloppy and sometimes incompetent attempt to get a candidate whom nobody wanted on the ballot, onto ballots.
Boston Phoenix |
David S. Bernstein |
10-28-2004 |
How GOP Billionaires Bankroll the Bushiesnew
Republicans are filling the GOP’s 527 gap, and a group of super-rich supporters has funded them with massive donations. With sidebar on the GOP's dirty donor (baker's) dozen.
Boston Phoenix |
David S. Bernstein |
10-28-2004 |
Bush Blindfolds the Publicnew
From the Patriot Act to presidential records, George W. Bush has presided over an unprecedented rise in government secrecy.
Boston Phoenix |
Dan Kennedy |
10-28-2004 |
Kerry Is a Worthy Choice to Succeed the Dangerous Bushnew
An unconventional liberal, John Kerry has gone against the grain by supporting balanced budgets and welfare reform, by re-examining the way affirmative action functions, and by establishing himself as one of the Senate’s leading experts on terrorism long before 9/11.
Boston Phoenix |
The Editors |
10-28-2004 |
David Boyle Gets Cattynew
An amateur rap recording takes the Bush administration to task.
Boston Phoenix |
Mike Miliard |
10-22-2004 |