AltWeeklies Wire

Zimbabwe Dictator Mugabe's Expiration Datenew

Squeeze on brutal dictator by his partners in crime could usher him out of history.
NOW Magazine  |  Gwynne Dyer  |  04-06-2007  |  International

From Iraq and Backnew

Omar Fekeiki's work with the Washington Post in his native country brought him death threats and a rare ticket to UC Berkeley. So why does he want to return?
San Francisco Bay Guardian  |  Amanda Witherell  |  04-04-2007  |  International

Iranian-born Azar Nafisi Urges Americans to Thinknew

The Reading Lolita in Tehran author undertakes delicate work as her home and homeland square off.
Colorado Springs Independent  |  Naomi Zeveloff  |  03-27-2007  |  International

Calling Israel's Bluffnew

Jamal Zahalka, an Arab Israeli parliamentarian, insists there is a separate and lesser order of citizen rights for the 20 percent of Israelis who are Arab.
NOW Magazine  |  Dina Awad  |  03-16-2007  |  International

What Africa's Population Explosion Meansnew

By 2050, a quarter of the Earth's people will live in Africa, up from 8 percent in the 60s.
NOW Magazine  |  Gwynne Dyer  |  03-16-2007  |  International

Raed Jarrar on Iraqnew

Like everyone you know, Raed Jarrar has an opinion on Iraq -- unlike most everyone else, he grew up there.
Willamette Week  |  Julie Sabatier  |  03-15-2007  |  International

Roy Bourgeois of School of the Americas Watch Fights Backnew

The founder of SOA Watch says the organization is "out of the desert," and he's got a Congressional bill to prove it.
New Haven Advocate  |  Hugh Elton  |  02-27-2007  |  International

Will the Real Borat Please Stand Upnew

Kazakh ambassador Kanat B. Saudabayev dismisses myths about his country -- in a monotone.
New Haven Advocate  |  Betsy Yagla  |  02-27-2007  |  International

Diplomatic Missionnew

Ambassador William Luers says multilateralism is key to restoring America's standing in the world.
Monterey County Weekly  |  Traci Hukill  |  02-08-2007  |  International

Talking Back to the Empirenew

The Dusty Foot Philosopher left war-ravaged Somalia at 13 and lived in Harlem for a short time before moving to Toronto.
NOW Magazine  |  K'naan  |  02-05-2007  |  International

A Stranger in Zion

Najibullah Niazi helped a Salt Lake City journalist get the story of his career -- four years later, that story put a target on Niazi's back.
Salt Lake City Weekly  |  Stephen Dark  |  01-28-2007  |  International

Tapping Into the Obsoletenew

In Gandhi's land of voluntary simplicity, the rush to turbo-capitalism leaves little room for earthly tech.
NOW Magazine  |  Wayne Roberts  |  01-26-2007  |  International

China's Space Ballsnew

The firing of a satellite-killing missile signals a small but growing risk of Asian war.
NOW Magazine  |  Gwynne Dyer  |  01-26-2007  |  International

Press Timenew

With Fidel Castro on his death bed, journalist Carlos Otero is more critical than ever.
Miami New Times  |  Our Woman in Havana  |  01-17-2007  |  International

French Connectionnew

The new face of Islamic radicalism in France claims his political and spiritual conversion happened in Los Angeles.
Los Angeles CityBeat  |  John Lasker  |  01-12-2007  |  International

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