AltWeeklies Wire

That Sinking Feelingnew

The water's rising, the island's subsiding, and Galveston, Texas, keeps on building.
The Texas Observer  |  Forrest Wilder  |  11-05-2007  |  Environment

Waiting for the Docs Tort Reform Was Supposed to Delivernew

The campaign to pass Proposition 12 promised that tort reform would cause doctors to begin returning to Texas' sparsely populated regions -- that promise has now been tested for four years, and it has not proven to be true.
The Texas Observer  |  Suzanne Batchelor  |  10-22-2007  |  Policy Issues

Superfun with Superfund in Texasnew

A scenic tour of Harris County's 11 best toxic attractions.
The Texas Observer  |  Emily DePrang  |  10-22-2007  |  Environment

George Saunders' Elements of Stylenew

The essays in The Braindead Megaphone are full of optimism and prescriptions for better living -- it's not self-help, but humanity-help: keys to getting on better in the world by getting on better with others.
The Texas Observer  |  Josh Rosenblatt  |  10-22-2007  |  Nonfiction

Examining Hugo Chavez & the Conundrum in Caracasnew

Two veteran Venezuelan journalists take on the complex personality of a man who emerged from relative obscurity to become one of Latin America's most influential and controversial leaders.
The Texas Observer  |  Susana Hayward  |  10-22-2007  |  Nonfiction

The Sabor 2007 Festival Shows Our Demographic Destinynew

Slowly but surely, Hispanic culture will define West Texas.
The Texas Observer  |  Jake Bernstein  |  10-05-2007  |  Culture

After Exoneration, Billy James Smith Waits for His Pardonnew

Smith was released from prison one year ago after serving 19 years and 11 months for a crime he didn't commit -- today he is a man in purgatory, exonerated by the legal system but not yet pardoned by Gov. Rick Perry.
The Texas Observer  |  Cynthia Hall Clements  |  10-05-2007  |  Crime & Justice

Journalism in the Twilight Zonenew

In Off the Record, Norman Pearlstine tells his version of the leak-and-smear campaign to out CIA covert agent Valerie Plame, while looking at the current problems with Washington journalism.
The Texas Observer  |  Myra Macpherson  |  10-05-2007  |  Nonfiction

The Border Yields Bones, But Not Answersnew

Sometimes undocumented immigrants who cross the border find work and share the bounty with their families back home -- sometimes they die, leaving their families only questions that will never be answered.
The Texas Observer  |  Jesse Bogan  |  10-05-2007  |  Immigration

Smoking for Jesus Ministry Takes Root in Texasnew

Exiled by hurricanes, the black congregation from New Orleans has flourished in Texas Hill Country, by clinging fiercely to their faith.
The Texas Observer  |  Dave Mann  |  09-24-2007  |  Religion

Ralph Yarborough's Ghostnew

Fifty years after his election to the senate, many overlook his legacy, but the "Patron Saint of Texas Liberals" still has something to teach a new generation.
The Texas Observer  |  A.J. Bauer  |  09-24-2007  |  Politics

'Babylon by Bus': Fear and Doping in Iraqnew

Contradictory, honest, and compelling, LeMoine and Neumann offer a decidedly new vantage point on the war in Iraq.
The Texas Observer  |  Stayton Bonner  |  09-24-2007  |  Nonfiction

DNA Test Will Show if Texas Executed an Innocent Mannew

One strand of hair found on the counter of an East Texas liquor store whose owner was gunned down in 1989 could help determine whether Texas executed an innocent man for the killing -- a judge has ordered the hair not be destroyed as the Observer and the Innocence Project push for DNA testing.
The Texas Observer  |  David Pasztor  |  09-24-2007  |  Crime & Justice

Texas Pols Need to Get Off the Fencenew

Our governor and two U.S. senators know a fence is pointless -- but since short-term political expediency seems to demand one, they are desperately trying to obscure their barren leadership with comb-overs.
The Texas Observer  |  Editorial  |  09-10-2007  |  Commentary

Martin Luther King, Jr., the Economistnew

Jackson casts King as arguably the most important, and certainly the most eloquent, American political economist of the 20th century.
The Texas Observer  |  Todd Moye  |  09-10-2007  |  Nonfiction

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