AltWeeklies Wire

Total Rockstar Assholes ... Potentiallynew

While loquacious in regard to antiquated technology, Tom Gabel had nothing interesting to say about the band's big label deal, and didn't feel like talking politics at all. Curious -- usually, dudes in punk bands love pontificating about that shit.
Dig Boston  |  Barry Thompson  |  05-16-2007  |  Profiles & Interviews

When Sequels Hurtnew

Hal Hartley's foolhardy sequel to Henry Fool .
Dig Boston  |  David Wildman  |  05-16-2007  |  Reviews

Are Dead Malls Worth Saving?new

Through their site, Jason Damas and Ross Schendel are doing their best to document all the nation's malls, living and dead, one by one, through detailed written histories and thousands of photographs.
Dig Boston  |  Lissa Harris  |  05-16-2007  |  Economy

Claw Money: Crime Paysnew

New York City's infamous graffiti queen, stylist, and fashion magnate got tired of other people, be they admirers or haters, trying to pin her down -- so she tossed her latest monograph, Bombshell: The Life and Crimes of Claw Money, at their domes.
Dig Boston  |  Paul McMorrow  |  05-10-2007  |  Art

Still Icky After All These Yearsnew

Chuck Palahniuk puts out books the way The Beatles and the Stones used to release records -- nearly every year, with a workmanlike precision and an incredible sense of artistry.
Dig Boston  |  David Wildman  |  05-10-2007  |  Author Profiles & Interviews

More Lives Destroyed by Motherhoodnew

Just in time for Mother's Day comes this cautionary tale about how much the act of giving birth can completely screw you.
Dig Boston  |  David Wildman  |  05-10-2007  |  Reviews

Dear Guy At the Show:new

Look, I get it: You think the band that is playing in front of us is awesome ... I'd like to judge for myself, but you keep screaming in my ear "OH COME ON" when I don't respond to your question "How awesome are these guys?"
Dig Boston  |  Anonymous  |  05-10-2007  |  Commentary

Are Anti-Bullying Laws Gay?new

Is that a homosexual agenda, or are you just happy to see me?
Dig Boston  |  Chris Faraone  |  05-10-2007  |  LGBT

Flirting with Solarnew

What does it take to get into bed with renewable energy's biggest tease?
Dig Boston  |  Julia Reischel  |  05-10-2007  |  Environment

Awful for All the Right Reasonsnew

Some might argue that the normality of the film is revolution, in showing gay men capable of living lives every bit as unremarkable as anything described by Nora Ephron -- as for me, I'm not impressed by crappy old wine in a new gay bottle.
Dig Boston  |  Chris Braiotta  |  05-02-2007  |  Reviews

Nobody Likes a Fat Spidernew

I'd wager more Americans have a passionate opinion about the worth of the Spider-Man series than Bush or Obama -- which makes it that much more difficult for me to tell you that your precious Spider-Man movie just flat-out sucks.
Dig Boston  |  David Wildman  |  05-02-2007  |  Reviews

Our Doomed Countrynew

If you think of the American people as Ireland Baldwin, and America's divorced parents as Alec Baldwin and Kim Basinger, it appears that the only real solution for 2008 is for the courts to grant the custody of all American citizens to a nice foster country, like maybe Finland.
Dig Boston  |  Cintra Wilson  |  05-02-2007  |  Commentary

America Has Outgrown its Need for Shock Jocksnew

While Don Imus did grab the nation's attention, it wasn't because he "shocked" us. It was because he was cruel, crude, embarrassing and disgusting -- something anyone can do by taking a dump on a puppy.
Dig Boston  |  Baratunde Thurston  |  04-25-2007  |  Commentary

Dear Guy Who Shook Up a Beer and Sprayed it All Over the Bartenders:new

Remind me to castrate your friends working the door that night, who are most likely responsible for you not getting your wannabe-fratboy ass thrown out on the street.
Dig Boston  |  Anonymous  |  04-25-2007  |  Commentary

Urban Prospectors Strike the Mother Lode -- In Your Basementnew

Massachusetts residents aren't standing on a gold mine, but with the price of copper nearly quintupling over the past three years, any Bay State degenerate with wire cutters, brass stones and a lookout can make a lucrative dishonest living.
Dig Boston  |  Chris Faraone  |  04-25-2007  |  Crime & Justice

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