AltWeeklies Wire
Pattern of Violencenew
One thing connects the otherwise unrelated young men charged in a recent spate of violent assaults -- more than half of them hold boxing licenses and are trained as amateur boxers.
Missoula Independent |
Caitlin Copple |
11-23-2005 |
Crime & Justice
Tags: crime & justice
Behind Enemy Linesnew
Amateur filmmaker Mike Shiley uncovers a real Iraq, without media spin.
Missoula Independent |
Skylar Browning |
11-17-2005 |
Tags: media
As a noun, "Grubshed" describes the geographical area whence your food originates, and the trail it follows to your table. As a verb, it conveys caring, almost to the point of obsession, about where your food comes from.
Missoula Independent |
Ari LeVaux |
11-17-2005 |
Blood Sportnew
The world is watching Montana's first bison hunt in 15 years, and the world isn't going to like what it sees.
Missoula Independent |
George Ochenski |
11-17-2005 |
Animal Issues
Cost-Benefit Analysisnew
With city government secretly competing to attract an 800-employee DirecTV call center with freebies and tax incentives, who's asking the root question: Does Missoula really need these jobs?
Missoula Independent |
John S. Adams |
11-17-2005 |
Tags: Economic Issues
Blood on the Snownew
Chef Boy Ari explains how to prepare an unbeatable beet, cooked in a crust of gros sel.
Missoula Independent |
Ari Levaux |
10-21-2005 |
Heavyweight Champnew
Jim Harrison, writing at the top of his game, inhabits his characters without hijacking them.
Missoula Independent |
Brad Tyer |
10-06-2005 |
Knocking Opportunitynew
Bordered by wasteland and marked as a dump, a small Montana town near the Clark Fork River’s headwaters fears the Milltown Dam cleanup could shut the door on its future.
Missoula Independent |
Jessie McQuillan |
10-06-2005 |
Tags: environment
Silence Surrounds Spring Creek 'Runner'new
When teen Adrian Sanders tried to escape his handlers en route from a specialty boarding school in western Montana, he ended up semi-conscious at the bottom of a 30-foot cliff. Why is Sanders County silent about the who, what, when, where and why?
Missoula Independent |
John S. Adams |
09-22-2005 |
Jumping the Cutnew
Even as Bitterroot National Forest officials continue taking comment on a controversial timber cut, they've already spent $160,000 toward enacting a plan that 98 percent of the public says it doesn't want.
Missoula Independent |
Jessie McQuillan |
09-22-2005 |
Tags: environment
Cowboy's Drugstorenew
Prescription drug addiction -- and the crime it spawns -- is on the rise in Montana, even as the state falls behind in efforts to curb abuse. How late is too late?
Missoula Independent |
Paul Peters |
09-01-2005 |
Tags: Health & Science
Wild at Heartnew
Veteran and environmentalist (and veteran environmentalist) Doug Peacock takes a walk down (Edward) Abbey road.
Missoula Independent |
Azita Osanloo |
09-01-2005 |
Tags: Doug Peacock, Walking It Off
Power Playnew
With a municipal cooperative's offer to buy NorthWestern Energy on the table, the Independent takes a hard look at Montana's pitch for a public utility.
Missoula Independent |
Jessie McQuillan |
09-01-2005 |
Policy Issues
Tags: public policy issues
What's Out There?new
New lit mag High Desert Journal goes looking for its place.
Missoula Independent |
Skylar Browning |
08-26-2005 |
Pearl Jam Goes to Bat Against Montana Senator Conrad Burnsnew
Jeff Ament tries to help Senate candidate Jon Tester find his voice with a fund-raising concert in Missoula.
Missoula Independent |
Skylar Browning |
08-26-2005 |
Tags: Pearl Jam