AltWeeklies Wire
New Adventures in Sciencenew
Genetic testing for a particular condition is at best predictive -- but there are weighty privacy issues.
Tags: Health & Science
Lives Lived in Light and Shadownew

In North Carolina, a sister and brother, one undocumented, one legal, live starkly different lives.
INDY Week |
Remy Scalza |
02-28-2008 |
Tags: Immigration
Durham City Council Still Drags Feet on Droughtnew
North Carolina's drought book-ended the City Council's agenda Monday, and as usual, little was accomplished.
INDY Week |
Cat Warren |
02-21-2008 |
Tags: environment, drought
Council of State's Role in Death Penalty Cases a Legal Wranglenew
In the latest development in a tangle of state and federal cases that have led to a de facto moratorium on North Carolina's death penalty, state lawyers argued that the Council of State, a body of statewide elected officials, should not be required to have a public hearing to consider how the state executes prisoners.
INDY Week |
Mosi Secret |
02-14-2008 |
Crime & Justice
Bio Lab Debate Goes on Tournew
With less than nine months before the U.S. Department of Homeland Security decides where to site its disease research lab, proponents and opponents of the National Bio and Agro Defense Facility continue to plead their cases before government leaders and the business community.
Tags: Health & Science
No Security in Muslim Americans' Homelandnew
Almost five years after Iyad Hindi passed the test to become a U. S. citizen, he's still waiting to be "cleared" by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.
INDY Week |
Bob Geary |
01-31-2008 |
Tags: Immigration
What is Judge Richard Chaney Hiding?new
For years, the Durham District Court Judge has mentored troubled teens, but his conduct has raised concerns.
INDY Week |
Mosi Secret |
01-17-2008 |
Children & Families
Tags: children & families
Sarwat Husain on Benazir Bhuttonew
"Bhutto was America's puppet," the editor of Al-Ittihaad says, adding that there was no guarantee that had Bhutto won the election, she would have brought democracy to Pakistan.
INDY Week |
Lisa Sorg |
01-03-2008 |
Tags: international
Short Showers Can't Stop North Carolina's Droughtnew
Local leaders and water experts say the state needs to spend more time and money on a regional approach to planning, conservation and sustainability. Press releases and public service announcements, even with the cooperation of the media, aren't cutting it.
INDY Week |
Cat Warren |
01-03-2008 |
Tags: environment
Taming Raleigh's Teardown Trendnew
A report from the city planning department revealing that the number of teardowns since 2002 has zoomed past 600.
INDY Week |
Bob Geary |
12-27-2007 |
Housing & Development
Tags: housing & development
Finally, a Way to Dispose of Yogurt Containersnew
A new North Carolina reuse program is encouraging schools and community groups to collect those items for fundraising.
INDY Week |
Lisa Sorg |
12-27-2007 |
Tags: environment
Drought Tolerancenew

We are in deep silt, smack in the dry river bed of denial.
INDY Week |
Cat Warren |
12-20-2007 |
Tags: environment
Flaws Emerge in North Carolina Pesticide Lawnew
Almost a year after the change went into effect, not a single doctor in the state has used the new program to report farmworker sickness.
Tags: Health & Science
UNC's Black Contractors Allege Biasnew

Pay for state construction projects bogs down in disputes.
INDY Week |
Mosi Secret |
12-13-2007 |
Race & Class
Tags: race relations
Living Green: There's Nothing Like Lead for the Holidaysnew
Holiday caveat No. 1: Those twinkling lights you're stringing on the tree or around the windows can be hazardous to your health.
INDY Week |
Lisa Sorg |
12-06-2007 |
Tags: environment