AltWeeklies Wire

The Truth About Obamacarenew

If you spent any amount of time listening to the nattering voices of the negative, chances are you've heard any number of rumors, lies and half-truths about the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, aka Obamacare. Allow us to help you sort it out.
Jackson Free Press  |  Ronni Mott  |  12-07-2012  |  Policy Issues

Tax Factsnew

Tax cuts are like power: Once people have some, wresting it out of their hands makes for a battle royale.
Jackson Free Press  |  Ronni Mott  |  11-30-2012  |  Economy

Seven Hospitals Deny Mississippi Abortion Clinicnew

The last clinic where Mississippi women can get an abortion is once again in peril.
Jackson Free Press  |  R.L. Nave  |  11-30-2012  |  The War on Women

Hear Them Roar

Women's issues—and women's votes—were front and center in the Nov. 6 vote.
Jackson Free Press  |  Ronni Mott  |  11-16-2012  |  The War on Women

Obamacare vs. Romneycarenew

The Kaiser Commission on Medicaid and the Uninsured analyzed the impact of the House Republican budget on Medicaid at the national and state levels, releasing an issue paper on the subject in October.
Jackson Free Press  |  JFP Staff  |  11-04-2012  |  Economy

Energy And LGBT Illustratednew

November the 6th is around the corner, so it's time to re-evaluate the facts and vote.
Jackson Free Press  |  JFP Staff  |  11-01-2012  |  LGBT

The Deal With a Racist Devilnew

We seem to be going backward, not forward, on race and other bigotry issues.
Jackson Free Press  |  Donna Ladd  |  11-01-2012  |  Race & Class

FBI Arrests 'Rogue Officers'new

The FBI arrested four men, including two former metro police officers and one acting Hinds County Sheriff's deputy, Oct. 2 on charges of conspiracy to commit an offense against the United States and theft of government property.
Jackson Free Press  |  Jacob Fuller  |  10-19-2012  |  Crime & Justice

This Month in Healthnew

These days, nearly every woman knows a friend, mother, grandmother, co-worker or family member who has undergone treatment for breast cancer. Early diagnosis is vital, as the two major factors that influence breast cancer survival are stage at diagnosis and age at diagnosis.
Jackson Free Press  |  Kathleen M. Mitchell  |  10-19-2012  |  Health

All Labor Has Worthnew

Josh Dedmond, Monica Atkins, Tyson Jackson and other Jackson-area members of the newly formed Mississippi Student Justice Alliance are planning an “I Am” labor-and-civil rights conference in Jackson in late November.
Jackson Free Press  |  Joe Atkins  |  10-11-2012  |  Civil Liberties

Mississippi Women's Turn: Can't They Break the Political Ceiling?new

Alyce Clarke believes that many of the problems women continue to face could be resolved if more women held elected positions, which stands at about 17 percent nationwide. Of 174 seats in the Mississippi Legislature, women hold 29—16.7 percent.
Jackson Free Press  |  Ronni Mott  |  10-05-2012  |  The War on Women

Not Just a White Thingnew

"I'm not sure how many of my sisters truly understand that there is a War on Women happening right before our eyes."
Jackson Free Press  |  Queen Folyan  |  10-05-2012  |  The War on Women

Cheers to an Ally!new

"But this article also speaks in a larger sense to those in the Republican Party who profess not to be homophobic privately but stand by silently and enable their party to be run to appeal to the many homophobic bigots (a redundant term for the dunderheads who direct social policy for the GOP) in the party's base. Enabling bigotry when one is not a bigot is even worse to me."
Jackson Free Press  |  JFP Staff  |  10-05-2012  |  LGBT

The United States of Anorexianew

"No wonder we are a nation of eating disorders. If these bodies are 'natural' then, in addition to liposuction, so is anorexia and so is bulimia—all in an attempt to fulfill an impossible ideal."
Jackson Free Press  |  Jim Pathfinder Ewing  |  10-05-2012  |  Health

Finger Scanners Spark Concernsnew

Parents and child-care providers have concerns about a new state program that requires a finger scan when picking up or dropping off kids at day care.
Jackson Free Press  |  R.L. Nave  |  10-01-2012  |  Policy Issues

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