AltWeeklies Wire
'Crime After Crime' Chronicles One Battered Woman's Struggle for Freedomnew

Debbie Peagler has been in prison for the past 27 years for the first-degree murder of her boyfriend Oliver Wilson, a man who forced her into prostitution while she was a teenager, a man who beat her and then molested their children.
San Antonio Current |
Veronica Salinas |
09-29-2011 |
Primal Scream: Things to Watch (or Avoid) Before Killing Your TVnew

Suburgatory runs roughshod through the suburbs, laying waste to the malls and manicured lawns. This new satire stars Jane Levy as Tessa, a Greenwich Village wild child whose dad moves her to suburban hell for a supposedly more wholesome life.
San Antonio Current |
Dean Robbins |
09-29-2011 |
The Buddy Comedy Gets a Shot in the Armnew

“You just have to laugh, so you won’t cry.” This sentiment, often expressed in the face of tragedy (and many tragicomic movies), is the driving force behind 50/50, the new film from the creators of Superbad starring Joseph Gordon-Leavitt and Seth Rogen.
San Antonio Current |
Greg Morrison |
09-28-2011 |

In a world of competitive sports, where a power lifter can basically bench press a bulldozer by sticking a syringe in his ass cheek, it’s getting harder to believe any athlete is performing on an even playing field nowadays.
San Antonio Current |
Kiko Martinez |
09-28-2011 |
‘Eating’ Hosts Honest Talk on Female Body Imagenew

Does a “very serious comedy” about the frequent war between women and food hold the same relevancy today as it did upon its initial release in 1990?
San Antonio Current |
Anne Vanzant |
09-22-2011 |
Disturbing Harvest: Child Labor in Americanew

It is easy to dismiss the documentary, The Harvest, as a liberal infomercial with political goals. It is more difficult to deny the fact that these children — these American children — are migrant farm workers who live here and spend their lives working like asses for peanuts and are unable to finish school due to the constant moving.
San Antonio Current |
Enrique Lopetegui |
09-21-2011 |
Desperate Measures: Review of Lilianew

I don’t necessarily believe San Antonio filmmaker Sam Lerma when he tells me he might’ve been impulsive enough to rob a bank back when he was living paycheck to paycheck as a photo journalist for a local TV station.
San Antonio Current |
Kiko Martinez |
09-21-2011 |
Film Review: Straw Dogsnew

Times have changed since the release of Sam Peckinpah’s Straw Dogs in 1971.
San Antonio Current |
Ashley Lindstrom |
09-21-2011 |
No Man's Landnew

In Ciudad Juárez, Mexico, there is an average of eight drug-related murders every day.
San Antonio Current |
Enrique Lopetegui |
09-21-2011 |
Life, Above Allnew

A powerful performance by a teen actress lifts this morality tale above its station.
San Antonio Current |
Justin Strout |
09-16-2011 |
Never Mind the Hype: Attack the Block Doesn’t Delivernew

Written and directed by Joe Cornish, who co-created the weirdo British sketch comedy series The Adam and Joe Show in the ’90s, Attack the Block desperately wants to be for sci-fi thrillers what the hilarious 2004 satire Shaun of the Dead was for zombie horror movies.
San Antonio Current |
Kiko Martinez |
09-15-2011 |
Low-Budget Bellflower is an Instant Indie Classic That’ll Set You on Firenew

“I'd seen movies about breakups, but I'd never seen anyone try to make a movie about what it's really like to have your heart broken,” first-time director Evan Glodell told The Village Voice.
San Antonio Current |
Enrique Lopetegui |
09-15-2011 |
War Stories De La Razanew

The unwavering pride of Chicano Vietnam War veterans is epitomized during a scene in San Antonio director Laura Varela’s documentary As Long As I Remember: American Veteranos when Juan Farías, one of the three vets featured in the film, displays genuine frustration when a fallen comrade’s name is mispronounced during a ceremony at the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington, D.C.
San Antonio Current |
Kiko Martinez |
09-14-2011 |
Wiesz Delivers in Portrayal of U.N. Whistleblowernew

ased on the true story of Kathryn Bolkovac.
San Antonio Current |
Enrique Lopetegui |
09-08-2011 |
Mirren Lends ‘Debt’ Gravitas and Classnew

Mirren proves she is one tough homemade cookie as she continues to explore more vivacious supporting characters.
San Antonio Current |
Kiko Martinez |
09-07-2011 |