AltWeeklies Wire

Animal Crackersnew

The holidays can be as stressful for our pets as they are for us -- a few animal channelers try to explain why.
Philadelphia Weekly  |  G.W. Miller III  |  12-26-2006  |  Animal Issues

School of Hard Knocksnew

A former grad student says that Temple discriminated against him for his conservative political beliefs and withheld his master's degree -- now he's suing the school.
Philadelphia Weekly  |  Mike Benner  |  12-18-2006  |  Education

Diamonds Are for Never?new

Blood Diamond helps protesters bring a global conflict home.
Philadelphia Weekly  |  Jessica Lussenhop  |  12-18-2006  |  Business & Labor

Off Targetnew

The deadly New York police shooting of Sean Bell hits close to home for Philadelphia attorney Willie Nattiel.
Philadelphia Weekly  |  Kia Gregory  |  12-12-2006  |  Crime & Justice

Looks Good on Papernew

The hiring of former investigative reporter Bill Marimow as Inquirer editor has offered some hope -- but is it enough to buoy spirits about the paper's future?
Philadelphia Weekly  |  Steve Volk  |  12-04-2006  |  Media

Content Highnew

The Web revolution will be televised ... by Schooly D and the fine folks at 633tv.
Philadelphia Weekly  |  Andrew Parks  |  11-27-2006  |  Media

Ed Bradley, 1941-2006new

The Philadelphia journalist broke ground for many.
Philadelphia Weekly  |  Kia Gregory  |  11-20-2006  |  Media

'Net Gainsnew

Bloggers helped steer this year's elections leftward.
Philadelphia Weekly  |  Daniel McQuade  |  11-20-2006  |  Media

Ride or Dienew

A budget shortfall brings SEPTA to the brink.
Philadelphia Weekly  |  Jess Fuerst  |  11-13-2006  |  Transportation

An Elephant's Never Forgottennew

Why is Philadelphia about to lose its largest residents?
Philadelphia Weekly  |  G.W. Miller III  |  11-13-2006  |  Animal Issues

What a Gas!new

Philly gets its first taste of biofuel ... and other new environmental initiatives.
Philadelphia Weekly  |  Jesse Smith  |  10-16-2006  |  Environment

Savants in Their Pantsnew

A new art magazine says it's all about the photos.
Philadelphia Weekly  |  Erik Bader  |  10-09-2006  |  Media

My Other Grandson Did Itnew

A Northwest Philadelphia grandmother claims two of her grandchildren await trial for something they didn't do.
Philadelphia Weekly  |  Steve Volk  |  09-25-2006  |  Crime & Justice

Photo Finishnew

The NFL shoos local shooters from the sidelines.
Philadelphia Weekly  |  G.W. Miller III  |  09-18-2006  |  Media

Alive, From Lebanonnew

Transplants from Beirut find an uneasy peace in Philadelphia.
Philadelphia Weekly  |  Lex Chalat  |  09-11-2006  |  International

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