AltWeeklies Wire

'Addict' Not a Total Washoutnew

Yet the guitars aren't as raucous as they should be, and the choruses are slicker than strictly necessary.
Westword  |  Michael Roberts  |  06-13-2007  |  Reviews

Gregory Isakov Gets Back to the Landnew

A visit with the rustic troubador at his farm.
Westword  |  Dave Herrera  |  06-04-2007  |  Profiles & Interviews

Naughty Norah Jonesnew

From swearing in public to kissing Jude Law, change is good.
Westword  |  Michael Roberts  |  06-04-2007  |  Profiles & Interviews

Cephalic Carnage: Extreme-metal Madmen par Excellencenew

The eleven songs here constitute a jolt of aural anarchy, served straight up.
Westword  |  Michael Roberts  |  06-04-2007  |  Reviews

Ozzy's An Icon Past His Primenew

There are few surprises and even fewer decent tunes on Black Rain, but Oz can still sing his ass off.
Westword  |  Dave Herrera  |  06-04-2007  |  Reviews

Linkin Park Seems Awfully Insecurenew

Minutes to Midnight is stuffed with take-us-seriously gestures, including the presence of producer Rick Rubin and liner notes that couldn't be needier if they'd been written by Sally Field.
Westword  |  Michael Roberts  |  06-04-2007  |  Reviews

Dimmu Borgir: Equal-opportunity Hatersnew

This Norwegian trio's latest album is a valentine to the Bible's biggest bad boy.
Westword  |  Michael Roberts  |  05-21-2007  |  Profiles & Interviews

Feist's Latest Needs Time to Work its Magicnew

At first, Feist's music doesn't seem all that feisty -- after a few spins, though, most music lovers will be ready to redefine the term.
Westword  |  Michael Roberts  |  05-21-2007  |  Reviews

A Byegone Emo Eranew

Mustangs and Madras continues to play a passionate brand of emo that's woefully (and refreshingly) out of step with the times.
Westword  |  Dave Herrera  |  05-21-2007  |  Reviews

RJD2: Embracing the Challengenew

This hip-hop producer turned fledgling rocker hasn't turned his back on the boom-bap.
Westword  |  Michael Roberts  |  05-14-2007  |  Profiles & Interviews

Like an Unexpected Wet Dreamnew

With its handsome, hand-sewn cover, this EP is DIY art school at its best; its musical aesthetic is in line with such dance-punk acts as the Gossip and the Blow, layered with the experimental qualities of Gang Gang Dance.
Westword  |  Tuyet Nguyen  |  05-14-2007  |  Reviews

Regina Spektor: Open to Little Surprisesnew

This chanteuse is every bit as quirky as her unlikely hit single.
Westword  |  Michael Roberts  |  05-07-2007  |  Profiles & Interviews

Against the Grainnew

Against Me! is against starving for the sake of making a statement.
Westword  |  Tuyet Nguyen  |  05-07-2007  |  Profiles & Interviews

A Return to BRMC's Signature Soundnew

Baby 81 is satisfying, albeit in an extremely familiar way -- if these guys don't start mixing things up, no new members will want to visit their Club.
Westword  |  Michael Roberts  |  05-07-2007  |  Reviews

Soul-sucking MySpace Does Have Upsidesnew

Ultimately, as loath as I was to join the cult, I have to admit that MySpace has revolutionized the way I experience music.
Westword  |  Dave Herrera  |  04-30-2007  |  Music

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