AltWeeklies Wire
Body-Mass Index Is an Unbalanced Scalenew
One of the most commonly used measurements of total body fat is the body-mass index, which is based on a person's height and weight. But here's the rub: the BMI standards are based on studies done on Caucasians. It isn't so clear what defines "heavy" or "obese" in people who aren't of European descent.
The Georgia Straight |
Gail Johnson |
08-06-2004 |
Dealing With Depression Is Everyone's Businessnew
One of the most common mental disorders, depression, can lead to absenteeism in the workplace or "presenteeism," when a worker shows up but isn't productive.
The Georgia Straight |
Gail Johnson |
08-06-2004 |
Tags: antidepressants, Canada, St. Johnswort, World Health Organization, and repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation, Brain Research Centre, chief executive officer of Coast Capital Savings, disability adjusted life years, estrogen or testosterone, Lloyd Craig, mental health care, Health & Science