AltWeeklies Wire

Marriage Equality Finally Comes to Floridanew

Even if you removed all of the hyperbolic superlatives from the vaunted journalism lexicon, pissed on them and then set them on fire, you would still hazard an errant exclamation point at the events that transpired in relation to same-sex marriage over the holidays when nobody was watching.
Orlando Weekly  |  Billy Manes  |  01-07-2015  |  LGBT

Orlando Activists Protest Grand Jury Decisions in Ferguson and New Yorknew

Approximately 100 gather for peaceful protest to point out that racism and police brutality can happen anywhere.
Orlando Weekly  |  Erin Sullivan  |  12-10-2014  |  Race & Class

Marriage Inequality Hurtsnew

When Terri Binion’s wife was killed in an accident at work, Florida’s ban on same-sex marriage left her with no legal recourse.
Orlando Weekly  |  Billy Manes  |  11-12-2014  |  LGBT

The Republican War on Women Explodes in Floridanew

Charlie Crist's gubernatorial campaign highlights Gov. Rick Scott's failures on women's issues.
Orlando Weekly  |  Billy Manes  |  09-17-2014  |  The War on Women

The Perils of Florida’s Refusal to Expand Medicaidnew

Charlene Dill is one of an estimated 2,000 people who expected to face dire health issues due to lack of access to care.
Orlando Weekly  |  Billy Manes  |  04-10-2014  |  Health

Michael Sam and the "Future" of Footballnew

The revelation that Missouri’s Michael Sam is the first openly gay college player to be up for a pro draft inspired all manner of futurist hand-wringing on the part of anonymous league officials, who fretted to Sports Illustrated that, at this point in history, the world of pro ball just isn’t prepared for the sort of upheaval that hiring Sam would bring about.
Orlando Weekly  |  Steve Schneider  |  02-10-2014  |  LGBT

Florida’s LGBT Advocates Explore Options for Overturning State’s Marriage Bannew

In the wake of the DOMA decision, LGBT Floridians must navigate rocky road to equality
Orlando Weekly  |  Billy Manes  |  07-25-2013  |  LGBT

Race Did Play a Role in the Trayvon Martin Casenew

It doesn't matter whether George Zimmerman was racist – the racial implications are being played out in courts, the media and websites all over the nation.
Orlando Weekly  |  Jeffrey C. Billman  |  07-18-2013  |  Race & Class

Look Who's Talkingnew

Was there a mole on the Zimmerman jury?
Orlando Weekly  |  Steve Schneider  |  07-18-2013  |  Race & Class

George Zimmerman is Not Guilty. But He's Not

Not since O.J. Simpson has a murder trial so divided America along racial lines.
Orlando Weekly  |  Jeffrey Billman  |  07-15-2013  |  Race & Class

Council in American-Islamic Relations Demands Investigation of Todashev Shootingnew

On Wednesday, the Council on American-Islamic Relations requested a private investigation of last week's deadly shooting of an Orlando man by an FBI agent who was questioning his connection to Boston Marathon bombing suspect Tamarlan Tsarnaev.
Orlando Weekly  |  Christopher Balogh  |  05-30-2013  |  Crime & Justice

Koch Problem: Can the Dailies Quit It?new

Anyone who is still slaving away as a full-time employee at a daily newspaper in 2013 is doing it because she has no place else to go. And you can bet your bottom dollar that the Kochs know it, too.
Orlando Weekly  |  Steve Schneider  |  05-09-2013  |  Media

Cash for (Stolen) Goldnew

How Florida's pawnbroking laws further victimize victims of crime.
Orlando Weekly  |  Erin Sullivan  |  04-23-2013  |  Crime & Justice

Weak Constitutionnew

The Roberts Court may not legalize gay marriage, but it’s hard to imagine that it’ll uphold Prop 8 and DOMA.
Orlando Weekly  |  Jeffery Billman  |  04-10-2013  |  LGBT

Til Death Do Us Partnew

The battle for a statewide domestic-partnership registry in Florida isn't just a policy fight. It's personal.
Orlando Weekly  |  Billy Manes  |  04-10-2013  |  LGBT

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