AltWeeklies Wire
Goodbye, Gil Scott-Heronnew

New York has killed the counterculture poet and singer.
NOW Magazine |
Joshua Errett |
05-27-2011 |
Cloud Nothings' Dylan Baldi is Defiantly Self-Sufficientnew

The 20-year-old Clevelander behind the precocious power-pop outfit writes alone, plays all the instruments and, up until this year's self-titled full-length, out on Carpark, does his own producing.
NOW Magazine |
Jason Keller |
04-19-2011 |
Profiles & Interviews
Tags: Cloud Nothings, Dylan Baldi
Janelle Monáenew

The genre-bending upstart stole the show at the Grammys. Can she pull it off again at Canadian Music Week?
NOW Magazine |
Jason Keller |
03-10-2011 |
Profiles & Interviews
'Plastic Beach,' From Gorillaznew

Gorillaz’ first album in five years is neither light nor easily digestible. It has hooks, but none as immediate as past Gorillaz hits Feel Good Inc. or 19-2000.
NOW Magazine |
Richard Trapunski |
03-12-2010 |
Tags: Plastic Beach, Gorillaz
Black Rebel Motorcycle Club's 'Beat the Devil's Tattoo'new

In case your faith in Black Rebel Motorcycle Club was traumatically shaken by their courageous but thoroughly unlistenable 2008 experimental instro album The Effects Of 333, you’ll be relieved that BRMC are once again revving their rock ’n’ roll engines.
NOW Magazine |
Jason Keller |
03-12-2010 |
Underground Lo-Fi Rocker Would Gladly Trade Hipster Hype for Pop Hitsnew
Don’t let his untamed hair or laid-back demeanour fool you – Kurt Vile is a consummate professional. After all, this is the guy who titled his albums Constant Hitmaker and Childish Prodigy... and meant it.
NOW Magazine |
Richard Trapunski |
02-26-2010 |
Profiles & Interviews
The Raveonettes Update Girl-Group Wall of Sound with Touch of Doom and Gloomnew
While the Raveonettes have explored the tension between girl-group naïveté and gloom on their previous three albums, vocalist Sharin Foo says that for In And Out Of Control, they strove for less celebratory material than usual.
NOW Magazine |
Jason Richards |
10-26-2009 |
Profiles & Interviews
Will Gossip Blog Notoriety Translate into Music Industry Clout for Perez Hilton?new
You could almost hear universal snickering in the music industry a few months ago when Perez Hilton announced his intention to start a label and become the next Jimmy Iovine. Now the industry watches to see what the Perezcious Music label will bring.
NOW Magazine |
Jason Keller |
09-21-2009 |
NOFX Stick With The Warped Tour for the BBQsnew
NOFX has appeared at the Warped Tour a record-tying seven times. Singer/bassist Fat Mike says playing the annual punk spectacle isn't about an easy summer-job paycheck. The bands sign up because it's an opportunity to chill with their punk rock brethren.
NOW Magazine |
Jason Keller |
07-13-2009 |
Profiles & Interviews
Judas Priest Finds No Rust on 'British Steel'new
The band's 1980 release British Steel has legs. To celebrate its 30th anniversary, the English heavy metal five-piece play it in its entirety on their current tour.
NOW Magazine |
Carla Gillis |
07-13-2009 |
Profiles & Interviews
Slim Twig Insists That It's Only Rock and Rollnew
The articulate, soft-spoken 21-year-old Slm Twig has ridden a wave of underground hype over the past few years, but now he's getting positive reviews in the mainstream press, too. Not bad for someone who freely admits he's not much of a musician.
NOW Magazine |
Benjamin Boles |
05-29-2009 |
Profiles & Interviews
What's Rock God Chris Cornell Doing with Timbaland?new
Sure, Cornell's stylish crooning of the James Bond theme "You Know My Name" for 2006's Casino Royale showed he's matured considerably since his grunge-bellowing days, but what the fuck? A hook-up with über-urbanizer Timbaland represents a radical rethink.
NOW Magazine |
Tim Perlich |
11-24-2008 |
Profiles & Interviews
Brit Cult Fave Holly Golightly Tries it Twangynew
By her own admission, Holly Golightly isn't overly familiar with country music. But that hasn't kept her from affecting a twang and recording Dirt Don't Hurt, a rootsy album of hayseed duets with her partner in musical crime, Lawyer Dave.
NOW Magazine |
Tim Perlich |
11-10-2008 |
Profiles & Interviews
Frankie Venom, 1957-2008new
When Frankie Venom succumbed to throat cancer last week at the age of 51, the Toronto punk scene didn't just lose a gobbing godfather -- Canada lost one of the most engaging entertainers ever to stalk a stage in a rubber-legged frenzy.
NOW Magazine |
Tim Perlich |
10-27-2008 |
Pram is Defiantly Differentnew
Don't even think about calling these Birmingham bashers post-rock.
NOW Magazine |
Jason Keller |
10-27-2008 |
Profiles & Interviews
Tags: Pram, Prisoner Of The Seven Pines