AltWeeklies Wire
The Takeawaynew

Texas' lax civil forfeiture laws make it easy for cops to take your stuff.
Dallas Observer |
Eric Nicholson |
03-18-2015 |
Crime & Justice
Tags: Civil Forfeiture
Cruel and Usual Punishmentnew

Like thousands of Americans, Sharanda Jones faces life in prison for a nonviolent drug crime.
Dallas Observer |
Amy Silverstein |
07-25-2014 |
Crime & Justice
Tags: Drug policy
The Last Ride of the Legendary Storm Chasernew

He had an uncanny knack for finding tornadoes. Then one found him.
Dallas Observer |
Brantley Hargrove |
08-30-2013 |
Tags: Storm Chasers, Tim Samaras
Swords Into Plowsharesnew
Veterans are putting down their guns and taking up farming.
Dallas Observer |
Lauren Drewes Daniels |
08-06-2013 |
Tags: War Veterans
The 11 Busiest (and Buzziest) Days in Texas Musicnew

A series of vignettes illustrate the confluence of South by Southwest, 35 Denton, and the Dallas Observer's St. Patrick's Day blowout with Snoop Lion.
Dallas Observer |
Kiernan Maletsky, Nick Rallo, Gavin Cleaver and Brian Rash |
03-21-2013 |
Fifty Shades of Chicken Is a Sexy Chicken Cookbooknew

FINALLY! You and your chicken can get trussed and like it. A cookbook, due out November 13, parodies the last book you wanted to see on your mom's nightstand. With promises of rather tempting recipes for "Bacon Bound Wings," "Chicken with a Lardon" and "Mustard-Spanked Chicken," Fifty Shades of Chicken is taking cookbookdom to a whole new level.
Dallas Observer |
Sara Blankenship |
09-21-2012 |
Tags: Parody, Fifty Shades of Grey
How Not To Write About Female Musicians, Part 7,081new

Sweeping generalizations about women's intelligence, work and art based strictly on their appearance aren't new, but I've been noticing it more, especially a few awful sentences relating to girls "in heat" and "chick rockers."
Dallas Observer |
Audra Schroeder |
07-31-2012 |
How Rape Victims Cope After Exonerationnew

Debbie Jones spent decades coming to grips with the fact Thomas McGowan raped her. Then she found out he didn't.
Dallas Observer |
Anna Merlan |
05-11-2012 |
Crime & Justice
Tags: Rape, Thomas McGowan
Texas, EPA Battle Over Frackingnew

How one man's flaming water fired up a battle between Texas and the EPA — and what it means for the future of fracking.
Dallas Observer |
Brantley Hargrove |
05-02-2012 |
The Thin Line Between Dog Rescuing and Dog Hoardingnew

Dallas' animal rescuers want to save dogs from cruelty and neglect. But some need to be saved from themselves.
Dallas Observer |
Anna Merlan |
02-07-2012 |
Animal Issues
Tags: Dog Rescuers, Stray Dogs in Dallas
Can Mormons Be Trusted? A Shallow Guide to Managing Your Most Ill-Informed Fearsnew
Last month evangelical leaders gathered in D.C. for the Values Voter Summit, where disciples of the Pissed-Off Jesus harrumphed and yammered about how much America sucked. That's when the bomb ignited.
Dallas Observer |
Pete Kotz |
11-03-2011 |
The End of Family Planning in Texasnew

They say they defunded Planned Parenthood. But lawmakers' attack on family planning will cost Texas money, reduce access to healthcare and result in even more abortions.
Dallas Observer |
Anna Merlan |
10-28-2011 |
Policy Issues
Tags: Texas, Planned Parenthood
Rick Perry's Manufactured Miraclenew

Rick Perry's Texas is a job-making, low-taxing oasis of prosperity. It's also pure fantasy.
Dallas Observer |
Jim Schutze |
10-06-2011 |
Policy Issues
The Man With the $16 Housenew

Squatter Ken Robinson's living the American dream.
Dallas Observer |
Leslie Minora |
08-31-2011 |
Housing & Development
The 69-Year-Old Concert Regularnew

John Ferguson is living the good life. A 69-year-old retiree, Ferguson has spent the last eight years of his life traveling the United States. He hikes. He camps. But most interesting is the dedication with which he pursues his greatest passion of all, music.
Dallas Observer |
Tiney Ricciardi |
08-15-2011 |