AltWeeklies Wire

James Woods Shows Less is More in 'How Fiction Works'new

While disclosing sublime writing tools, long-celebrated book critic Wood digresses into lucid meditations on the nature of language, character, and consciousness.
Baltimore City Paper  |  Eli Perlow  |  10-07-2008  |  Nonfiction

Getting Under the Hood of James Wood's New Fiction Manifestonew

The critical response can only be personal, which is why critics have had so much fun reviewing this earnest, intelligent and cranky little book. The problem with the overambitious title is easily solved by adding a simple preposition between title and author: How Fiction Works For James Wood.
New Haven Advocate  |  Jolisa Gracewood  |  09-02-2008  |  Nonfiction

How an Englishman Became America's Most Fearsome Book Criticnew

Normally a literary assassin, New Yorker book critic James Wood proves he's a softie at heart in his new book How Fiction Works.
Charleston City Paper  |  John Freeman  |  08-20-2008  |  Author Profiles & Interviews

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