AltWeeklies Wire

Election '08: San Diego's Greens Are Blue (And They're Blaming Ralph Nader)new

While Nov. 4 yielded a mixed bag for the GOP and the Dems, it provided nothing but a great big sack of rotten potatoes for just about every other political persuasion. Here, as elsewhere in the nation, adherents of the boutique parties saw their candidates routed on nearly every front. And no party performed so poorly in San Diego County as the Green Party.
San Diego CityBeat  |  David Silva  |  11-19-2008  |  Politics

Alt Prez: There are a Hundred Ways to Buck the Ballotnew

We've got more than 100 deluded losers and promising dreamers all begging for attention in America's sideshow election. Just because every one of them will lose, that's no reason to ignore them.
San Antonio Current  |  Richard Wall  |  08-27-2008  |  Politics

Ralph Nader, Bob Barr and Cynthia McKinney Find Common Groundnew

In a rare show of third party unity, the campaigns of Nader, Libertarian Bob Barr and the Green Party's Cynthia McKinney, the last two former Congress members, are joining forces across state lines to overcome ballot access rules designed to keep minor party candidates out.
New Haven Advocate  |  Andy Bromage  |  08-19-2008  |  Politics

Growing Green Party Aims to Gain Nationally What it Won in Illinois in 2006new

Although Cynthia McKinney pays lip service to the idea that she could overtake Barack Obama and John McCain, her goal is to win at least 5 percent of the national vote, which would establish the Green Party nationally, making it eligible for federal matching grants in future elections. Breaking through that canopy will be anything but a walk in the park.
Illinois Times  |  R.L. Nave  |  07-21-2008  |  Politics

Former Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney Poised to Capture Green Party Nominationnew

Here's the skinny on McKinney: No issue is too uncomfortable, no viewpoint too controversial.
Illinois Times  |  R. L. Nave  |  07-14-2008  |  Politics

Aiming for the White House, Cynthia McKinney Goes Greennew

The controversial congresswoman brings her campaign for the Green Party presidential nomination to Northern California.
Sacramento News & Review  |  Seth Sandronksy  |  05-27-2008  |  Politics

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