AltWeeklies Wire

Unions? What Unions?

Labor unions have responded to attacks with a series of poorly thought-out strategies that fed into the narrative that they were marginal and corrupt.
Maui Time  |  Ted Rall  |  03-07-2011  |  Business & Labor

Wisconsin Protests: Report From the Command Centersnew

Protests slow for a day, but activity in and around the Capitol continues.
Isthmus  |  Joe Tarr  |  02-21-2011  |  Politics

David Newby Hopes to Lead Labor's Comebacknew

Wisconsin State AFL-CIO President David Newby has felt despair over the past three decades of plant closings, wage cuts and union-busting. But he's convinced the labor movement has the potential to rebound.
Isthmus  |  Roger Bybee  |  02-09-2009  |  Business & Labor

Obama Economic Appointment Highlights Old Trade Disputenew

Before giving Jason Furman a pass on his emerging trade polices, it's important to focus on the true differences between Free Trade and Fair Trade.
East Bay Express  |  Jay Youngdahl  |  06-25-2008  |  Politics

The Wreck of the Oglebay Nortonnew

Oglebay Norton was once "the most conservative, risk-averse company that ever existed," according to one analyst. Then a respected, ambitious CEO, John Lauer, sank the shipping and mining company in a sea of red ink.
Cleveland Scene  |  Frank Lewis  |  09-24-2004  |  Business & Labor

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