AltWeeklies Wire

DreamWorks Edges Ever Closer to Pixar Territorynew

Monsters vs. Aliens, from the DreamWorks animation factory, looks impressive. It's not as good as some of Pixar's greater works, but it's a cut above the last couple of Shrek films and much better than garbage like Space Chimps.
Tucson Weekly  |  Bob Grimm  |  04-02-2009  |  Reviews

The 'Third Wave' of Theatrical 3-D is in Full Swing ... But it May Be The Last

Super Bowl Sunday was a glimpse of the future of 3-D: the studio made it as easy as possible for the theatrical 3-D experience to be duplicated on your TV screen.
Salt Lake City Weekly  |  Scott Renshaw  |  02-17-2009  |  Movies

Jeffrey Katzenberg's Cure-All for the Movie Industry: 3-Dnew

No longer, says Katzenberg, will 3-D serve as a cheap "gotcha" gimmick -- an exploitation hustle -- but as a way to advance storytelling and "emotionally immerse" the audience into the film.
Dallas Observer  |  Robert Wilonsky  |  12-29-2008  |  Movies

'Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa' Wastes Time on the Stuff Between Gags

Haven't we, as a nation, progressed to the point where it would be okay for our animated films simply to abandon the pretense of a plot?
Salt Lake City Weekly  |  Scott Renshaw  |  11-03-2008  |  Reviews

Soul Sistersnew

The two artists who make up neo-soul duo Floetry met on the basketball court in their native England.
New Times Broward-Palm Beach  |  Jonathan Zwickel  |  06-07-2005  |  Profiles & Interviews

Sleepwalker: Elliott Smith's Unhappy Dream Lifenew

Elliott Smith died on Oct. 21, 2003, of what most think was a self-inflicted stab wound to the heart. Now the entertainment industry has set a new world record: shortest period between an artist’s passing and the cottage industry created to exploit him.
L.A. Weekly  |  Alec Hanley Bemis  |  10-18-2004  |  Profiles & Interviews

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