AltWeeklies Wire

Dirty Secrets Under the Big Top

Lawsuits charge Ringling Bros. with abusing animals, endangering public health, and sabotaging its critics via former CIA spooks. This October, a federal court could finally determine whether rough, regular treatment of endangered Asian elephants by circus handlers constitutes illegal animal abuse. Could this be the end of the circus as we know it?
San Francisco Bay Guardian  |  Steve Jones  |  08-15-2008  |  Animal Issues

Target of Animal-Rights Activists Asks Court to Keep Them at Baynew

Pamelyn Ferdin, the child actor who did the voice of Peanuts' Lucy Van Pelt, is now president of a radical animal-rights group alleged to have participated in harassment and over-the-line protests.
East Bay Express  |  Will Harper  |  12-22-2005  |  Animal Issues

Foie Wha? Tempers Run High Over Foie Grasnew

Some claim foie gras (fatty liver of force-fed ducks) is heaven on toast, and some claim it’s animal cruelty. Who’s right?
Metroland  |  Ashley Thiry  |  08-26-2004  |  Animal Issues

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