AltWeeklies Wire

The Black List: Political Correctedness Ain't What it Used To Benew

To help you navigate the new ins and outs, here are a few of the words, phrases, ideas and people that have now been officially blacklisted. Study carefully ...
New York Press  |  Jamaal Young  |  11-20-2008  |  Culture

O Brother, Who Art Thou?new

Is there anything worse for a black man than finding out he's related to Strom Thurmond?
Philadelphia City Paper  |  Brian Hickey  |  03-06-2007  |  Commentary

Incomprehensible Statements Pile Up in Campaignnew

At one point in a sympathetic Time magazine piece, John Kerry made a foolish statement, which taken out of context is going to bite him in the ass. "We have to get back to the place we were, where terrorists are not the focus of our lives, but they're a nuisance," he said.
New York Press  |  Russ Smith  |  10-13-2004  |  Commentary

Story of Buchanan Baby Helped Bush Win White Housenew

During the 2000 presidential campaign, longtime Republican dirty-tricks operative Roger Stone pushed an unsubstantiated rumor that Reform Party candidate Patrick Buchanan had had an illegitimate child while he was a Georgetown undergraduate and had paid the mother to keep it secret.
The Village Voice  |  Wayne Barrett and Jessie Singer  |  05-19-2004  |  Politics

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