AltWeeklies Wire

Election Night Along North Carolina's I-85new

In the spirit of the late Studs Terkel, I set off on a rainy night to troll the highways of the Carolina Piedmont in search of people who are going about their ordinary business on this most extraordinary evening.
INDY Week  |  David Fellerath  |  11-06-2008  |  Politics

The Terkel Rules: Translating from Speech to Prosenew

Terkel's books consist of tape-recorded conversations with mostly common people; after a brief introduction from Terkel, each text unspools almost seamlessly, with only an occasional nudge from the questioner. But here's the thing: most people don't talk that way.
Chicago Reader  |  Michael Lenehan  |  11-03-2008  |  Books

Studs on Studsnew

This is a book about the working life of a man who has defined his long life by his success at getting other people to tell their stories.
The Texas Observer  |  Steven G. Kellman  |  11-05-2007  |  Nonfiction

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