AltWeeklies Wire

Blood Bathsnew

Director Eli Roth goes too far in Hostel: Part II.
Tucson Weekly  |  Bob Grimm  |  06-14-2007  |  Reviews

Sicko Sequelnew

Roth made a good-looking movie with a stellar cast on a low budget, but it's no fun to watch.
Reno News & Review  |  Bob Grimm  |  06-14-2007  |  Reviews

'Hostel: Part II': Not Much of a Sequel

Similarly gory and exploitative as its torture-porn predecessor, writer/director Eli Roth's horror sequel is nothing more than a makeover of Hostel substituted with female characters.
Maui Time  |  Cole Smithey  |  06-11-2007  |  Reviews

'Hostel: Part II': Where It's Always Check-Out TImenew

Roth has accomplished the near impossible: He's crafted a vastly superior sequel to Hostel, one that supersedes the original's sadistic quotient, gore effects, and narrative subversiveness.
Austin Chronicle  |  Marc Savlov  |  06-07-2007  |  Reviews

'Hostel Part II': The Torturer Talksnew

Writer-director Eli Roth on opening opposite George Clooney and making a "feminist horror film."
City Pages (Twin Cities)  |  Rob Nelson  |  06-06-2007  |  Profiles & Interviews

A Different Kind of No-Tell Motelnew

In this horror film, three backpackers check in to the wrong hostel where, unbeknownst to them, very bad things happen from dusk till dawn.
Austin Chronicle  |  Marc Savlov  |  01-13-2006  |  Reviews

Cinema for Sadistsnew

Despite a botched ending, Hostel is a horrifying, thrilling torture flick.
Tucson Weekly  |  Bob Grimm  |  01-12-2006  |  Reviews

Hittin' the Entrails

Though the most dogged of gorehounds may find the film's uncynical conclusion hard to stomach, it suggests the film has some purpose besides being the most sickening morning-after movie ever -- perhaps even a timely one.
Washington City Paper  |  Brent Burton  |  01-06-2006  |  Reviews

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