AltWeeklies Wire

Budget Problems Have Florida Reconsidering Mandatory Minimumsnew

Despite the fact that some judges complain that mandatory minimums reduce their ability to use discretion in sentencing, making them drones serving the system, the state's mandatory minimums for drug crimes remained unchallenged for more than 30 years. Recently though, the state's budget has cast a light on Florida's prison spending, which has gone up along with its jail population.
Orlando Weekly  |  Jeff Gore  |  04-06-2011  |  Crime & Justice

Crimes of Punishmentnew

A top prison expert talks about human rights in jails across the nation.
Colorado Springs Independent  |  J. Adrian Stanley  |  02-04-2011  |  Policy Issues

Little Kid, Life Sentencenew

Pennsylvania has more juvenile lifers than any other state in the union. This year the U.S. Supreme Court will make decisions that could completely change the existence of people such as Stacey Torrance, who has been in jail since he was 14.
Philadelphia City Paper  |  Matt Stroud  |  08-04-2009  |  Crime & Justice

In Federal Prison, Quentin Carter Wrote Best-Selling Novelsnew

While serving time for a drug offense, Quentin Carter made a name for himself as a best-selling author of street lit.
The Pitch  |  Peter Rugg  |  06-23-2009  |  Author Profiles & Interviews

Doing Wrightnew

Vermont journalist and activist Paul Wright gives convicts a voice through his national magazine, Prison Legal News.
Seven Days  |  Ken Picard  |  03-07-2007  |  Crime & Justice

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