AltWeeklies Wire

Mo' Money, Mo' Problems for Louisiananew

Louisiana officials are discovering that the billions of dollars the Feds promised for coastal work two years ago come with more than a few strings attached.
Gambit  |  Jeremy Alford  |  12-16-2008  |  Politics

McCain's Lies About Hurricane Katrinanew

It's not appropriate to tell lies about helping Katrina victims -- especially if you're running for president. Two weeks ago, in his discussion with Rick Warren at the Saddleback Church, the Republican presidential nominee told a whopper.
Shepherd Express  |  Lisa Kaiser  |  08-29-2008  |  Commentary

The 'New' New Orleans: Better for Whom?new

New Orleans' reconstruction, like Iraq's, is mostly building private bank accounts.
Fort Worth Weekly  |  Laurie Barker James  |  10-04-2007  |  Commentary

So Let's Be Fairnew

In the Katrina blame game, media shouldn't get a pass.
Illinois Times  |  R.L. Nave  |  09-01-2006  |  Commentary

Activists Want Illinois Governor to Keep Guardnew

When it comes to base closings, Gov. Rod Blagojevich says he’s the commander in chief of the Illinois National Guard and has to give his OK. But he won’t say anything about the prolonged deployment of the Guard in Iraq.
Illinois Times  |  R.L. Nave  |  09-02-2005  |  Politics

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