AltWeeklies Wire

Literary Lion On Demandnew

Why did an established literary author decide to go with's print-on-demand self-publishing service for his most recent book? John Edgar Wideman talks about the future of literature, and stories that can fit on a phone screen.
Sacramento News & Review  |  Kel Munger  |  05-13-2010  |  Author Profiles & Interviews

A Retired UC Davis History Professor Turns Detectivenew

The Codex Cardona is a 16th century account (by native scribes) of what life was like in Mexico before and immediately after the arrival of the Europeans. A retired UC Davis history professor turns detective and attempts to solve the mystery of a missing Mexican treasure.
Sacramento News & Review  |  Kel Munger  |  02-25-2010  |  Author Profiles & Interviews

'The East, the West, and Sex': Orientalism Unleashednew

The East, the West, and Sex, which is organized both by time period and by country, examines the idea of masculine Western colonization creating an idealistic portrayal of Asian culture, particularly those aspects dealing with heterosexual eroticism.
Sacramento News & Review  |  Kathleen Jercich  |  07-30-2009  |  Nonfiction

'Breadline USA' Examines the Reality of Hunger in Americanew

America's No. 1 health problem, the media relentlessly tell us, is obesity. Americans eat too much and we're the fattest people in the world. Except that, according to Sasha Abramsky, many Americans go hungry on a regular basis. And even many of those who aren’t hungry today suffer from what experts have taken to calling "food insecurity."
Sacramento News & Review  |  Kel Munger  |  07-23-2009  |  Nonfiction

'Contagious' is Not a Typical Sci-Fi Novelnew

Scott Sigler has created a fan base with his serial podcasts of sci-fi/horror novels. Now Contagious promises to spread his scary stuff among traditional readers.
Sacramento News & Review  |  Kel Munger  |  01-15-2009  |  Fiction

'Lady Lazarus' is a Fictional Critique of American Culture Both Great and Smallnew

Lady Lazarus is about more than the cult of (dead) celebrity worship. It's also about the commodification of art, whether that occurs in the high prices charged for a "definitive boxed set," the creation of artists in graduate programs or the anointing of "stars" in the popular press.
Sacramento News & Review  |  Kel Munger  |  05-30-2008  |  Fiction

Just a Few Questionsnew

If Mark Doty's poems question us until we're certain, Rachel Zucker turns every statement into a question.
Sacramento News & Review  |  Kel Munger  |  04-11-2008  |  Poetry

'The War on Bugs' Explores the Pesticide Agendanew

We've come a long way from arsenic-tainted food (arsenic and lead were popular pesticides for decades), but, as Will Allen rightly points out in his new book, our determination to slaughter pests and increase yields has had some far-reaching consequences on health -- both ours and the planet's.
Sacramento News & Review  |  Kel Munger  |  04-11-2008  |  Nonfiction

Politically Erectnew

Author Stephen Elliott convenes the randiest sons and daughters of our great republic for some seriously freaky love stories.
Sacramento News & Review  |  Jonathan Kiefer  |  02-21-2008  |  Author Profiles & Interviews

Go, Dog, Gonew

Beowulf meets Bram Stoker. Or perhaps Homer writes an epic about a lycanthropically-challenged Corleone family. Either way, Toby Barlow's novel-in-verse about urban werewolves is busting genre every which way, and in the very best way.
Sacramento News & Review  |  Kel Munger  |  02-14-2008  |  Fiction

About our moneynew

How do the richer get richer? By taking money from wage-earners, through tax abatements, incentives, and subsidies.
Sacramento News & Review  |  Kel Munger  |  01-31-2008  |  Nonfiction

Agree, or Don'tnew

Our book critics pick their best of 2007. Feel free to argue.
Sacramento News & Review  |  Jonathan Kiefer, Kel Munger and Melinda Welsh  |  12-06-2007  |  Books

Fall Fournew

Four fall fiction choices outside the usual: Baltimore, or the Steadfast Tin Soldier; Lois Lenz, Lesbian Secretary; The Faith Healer of Olive Avenue; and 2236. These novels are genre-benders that provide new ways of looking at the world -- as well as good reads.
Sacramento News & Review  |  Kel Munger  |  10-12-2007  |  Fiction

Yo, Adriannew

A conversation with graphic novelist Adrian Tomine.
Sacramento News & Review  |  Jonathan Kiefer  |  10-09-2007  |  Author Profiles & Interviews

Tales of Disintegrationnew

David Peace, selected in 1993 as one of Britain's best young novelists by Granta magazine, sets his new novel in the rubble of post-WWII Tokyo. A detective story with a difference, it shows a city that doesn't need crime to destroy it. War is enough.
Sacramento News & Review  |  Kel Munger  |  09-24-2007  |  Fiction

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