AltWeeklies Wire
Shot in the Parknew

A Sacramento cop guns down a schizophrenic man. Police say it's justified. Witnesses tell a different story. Whatever the truth, it's a tragic reminder of the region's ongoing mental-health crisis.
Sacramento News & Review |
Nick Miller |
09-02-2015 |
Crime & Justice
How To Die In Californianew

Brittany Maynard's high-profile death may help usher in a right-to-die option for terminally ill patients in the Golden State.
Sacramento News & Review |
Melinda Welsh |
01-22-2015 |
Tags: right to die
Is Sacramento’s Costly Water-Meter Install Wasting Millions?new

Sacramento says it's doing what’s necessary to update its water infrastructure. Experts question the reasoning behind the expensive and invasive plan.
Sacramento News & Review |
Joe Rubin |
11-14-2014 |
Policy Issues
Does UC Davis Have a Rape Problem?new

How the No. 1 college in California for reported sexual assaults—and one of the top five schools in the country—needs to change.
Sacramento News & Review |
Janelle Bitker |
10-16-2014 |
The War on Women
Return of the Messengernew

How Jeremy Renner's new film Kill The Messenger will vindicate Sacramento investigative journalist Gary Webb.
Sacramento News & Review |
Melinda Welsh |
09-25-2014 |
12 Ways Republicans Keep Screwing Over Poor Americans and Womennew

A dozen low-down, dirty, shameful ways the GOP makes it bad to be broke in 21st-century America.
Sacramento News & Review |
Sasha Abramsky |
11-15-2013 |
Tags: Poverty
Everything you need to know about the Affordable Care Act in Californianew

Obamacare arrives in the Golden State this week.
Sacramento News & Review |
Daniel Weintraub |
10-01-2013 |
Sitting Down with Apple co-founder Steve Wozniaknew

On privacy, the digital divide and the real Steve Jobs.
Sacramento News & Review |
Rachel Leibrock |
09-30-2013 |
Where's the Beef?new
Activists accuse California beef industry of trying to conceal animal abuse, unhealthy practices.
Sacramento News & Review |
Alastair Bland |
04-07-2013 |
Animal Issues
The Rehab Racketnew

California realigned its prison system more than two years ago, but rehabilitation is still out of whack.
Sacramento News & Review |
Raheem F. Hosseini |
04-05-2013 |
Crime & Justice
Tags: california prisons
Sacramento vs. Seattle: A Tale of Two Kings Arena Dealsnew

What those outside of the Sacramento bubble say about the city's new arena proposal.
Sacramento News & Review |
Nick Miller |
03-29-2013 |
Policy Issues
The Real Face of Homelessnessnew

As temperatures drop and shelters fill with men, women and children, it's time to re-examine 10 persistent myths about Sacramento's homeless population.
Sacramento News & Review |
Nick Miller |
11-16-2012 |
Is Sacramento the bike-theft capital of America?new
Steal this bike: Everyone says bike thieves in the River City are "ruthless." They even stole Lance Armstrong's ride ...
Sacramento News & Review |
Raheem F. Hosseini |
07-27-2012 |
Deporting the Tamale Ladynew

Will the United States send Juana Reyes back to Mexico—for selling $1 snacks outside of a south Sacramento Walmart?
Sacramento News & Review |
Nick Miller |
07-27-2012 |
Are Stoners High on Romney?new
There's talk of many cannabis advocates casting a protest vote against Obama.
Sacramento News & Review |
Nick Miller |
05-11-2012 |