AltWeeklies Wire

Why Is Duke Energy Pushing to Make Nuclear “Clean”?new

Hint: It’ll fatten Duke’s wallets.
INDY Week  |  Bob Geary  |  02-03-2016  |  Energy

The Invisiblesnew

57,000 minors crossed the Southern border last year. Should we send them back?
INDY Week  |  Billy Ball  |  12-04-2015  |  Immigration

Assault on Abortion Rights Gets Ugly in

An anti-abortion group targets a Wake Forest schoolteacher
INDY Week  |  Jane Porter  |  09-03-2015  |  The War on Women

The Next LGBTQ Battleground: The Workplacenew

Cary woman sues General Services Corporation over alleged discrimination.
INDY Week  |  John H. Tucker  |  07-01-2015  |  LGBT

Swift Like Menew

Taylor Swift and being at the Cool Kids’ table.
INDY Week  |  Maura Johnston  |  06-04-2015  |  Music

The rents in Raleigh are too damn highnew

Can this affordable housing crisis be fixed?
INDY Week  |  Jane Porter  |  05-21-2015  |  Housing & Development

North Carolina sues FCC over municipal broadbandnew

Lawsuit says federal government overstepped its authority
INDY Week  |  Jeffrey Billman  |  05-21-2015  |  Policy Issues

Duke Energy: Guilty of Violating the Clean Water Actnew

Penalty is $102 million in fines, five years’ probation; individuals could still be charged.
INDY Week  |  Billy Ball  |  05-21-2015  |  Environment

The Hart is a Lonely Brothernew

Kevin Hart is one of comedy's biggest stars—so where's the critical love?
INDY Week  |  Craig D. Lindsey  |  05-01-2015  |  Comedy

The Angry White Man Problemnew

Searching for answers about Craig Stephen Hicks.
INDY Week  |  Lisa Sorg  |  02-19-2015  |  Crime & Justice

How NC Law Enforcement Spies on Citizensnew

More than 70 North Carolina law enforcement agencies are using automatic license plate readers, cell phone location trackers and surveillance cameras to keep an eye, and a mass of data, on ordinary citizens. And soon, they could add unmanned drones to that list.
INDY Week  |  Jane Porter  |  02-13-2015  |  Crime & Justice

What to expect when you're expecting Google Fibernew

We asked the first four cities chosen by Google to briefly discuss their experiences
INDY Week  |  Jane Porter  |  02-06-2015  |  Tech

Google Fiber Could Give More People Cheaper Access to the Internetnew

"Google could be more vicious than it is," Mitchell says. "They are doing things that benefit communities. But we don't know what will happen in five years. We used to like the cable companies, too."
INDY Week  |  Lisa Sorg  |  02-06-2015  |  Tech

Why Some Raleigh Residents are Uptight About Airbnb'snew

Like many cities, Raleigh is grappling with how to regulate Airbnb and companies like it.
INDY Week  |  Jane Porter and Franny Badger  |  01-29-2015  |  Business & Labor

Did a Prosecutor and Police Send an Innocent Teenager to Prison for Murder?new

Derrick McRae, 35, is serving a life sentence for a murder he insists he didn't commit. New evidence suggests that McRae could be innocent.
INDY Week  |  John H. Tucker  |  01-10-2015  |  Crime & Justice

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