AltWeeklies Wire

The Louisiana Roots of Rise of the Guardiansnew

Will Coviello on the storytellers behind an Oscar-winning Shreveport startup
Gambit  |  Will Coviello  |  11-12-2012  |  Movies

Beasts of the Southern Wildnew

The Louisiana-shot film that's burning up the world's film festivals.
Gambit  |  Ken Korman  |  06-18-2012  |  Movies

Louisiana: Reality TV Capitalnew

Why every other reality show seems to be set in Louisiana these days.
Gambit  |  Lauren LaBorde  |  05-15-2012  |  TV

Aaron Walker's 'Bury the Hatchet'new

A new documentary about New Orleans Mardi Gras Indians.
Gambit  |  Will Coviello  |  04-21-2011  |  Reviews

Girls on Filmnew

Richard Day's 2003 film Girls Will Be Girls is the definition of a cult movie: for every repulsed critic, there's an equally obsessed fan.
Gambit  |  Lauren LaBorde  |  01-10-2011  |  Movies

Spike Lee: The Gambit Interviewnew

Academy Award nominated director Spike Lee was in New Orleans for the premiere of his new documentary, If God Is Willing And Da Creek Don't Rise. Gambit caught up with Lee before the screening.
Gambit  |  Matt Davis  |  08-24-2010  |  Profiles & Interviews

Stimulus Package: 'The Girlfriend Experience'new

Steven Soderbergh screens his latest film, The Girlfriend Experience, as a fundraiser for the New Orleans Film Festival. The cast includes porn star Sasha Grey, the only professional, and acting virgins who mostly hold the jobs they have in the film.
Gambit  |  Will Coviello  |  05-05-2009  |  Profiles & Interviews


New Orleans could get a proper prime-time spotlight with David Simon's Treme, whose pilot shoot wrapped earlier this month. Now all HBO needs to say is "go."
Gambit  |  Noah Bonaparte Pais  |  04-14-2009  |  Movies

'The Least of These' Looks at the Incarceration of Immigrant Familiesnew

To the list of bizarre, wasteful and cruel failures of the Department of Homeland Security under the Bush Administration, add this program to imprison children.
Gambit  |  Will Coviello  |  03-25-2009  |  Reviews

Can 'Trouble the Water' Wrangle an Oscar from 'Man on Wire'?new

Regardless of who takes the gold on Sunday, Carl Deal feels his film's influence on the discussion about Katrina -- specifically, its first-person commentary on how governments prioritize and interact with the people they are supposed to serve -- is victory enough.
Gambit  |  Noah Bonaparte Pais  |  02-17-2009  |  Movies

'Cadillac Records': Rhythm & Beyoncenew

Beyonce Knowles excels as Etta James in Cadillac Records, a movie that has flaws but is notable the detail of its development -- and the music.
Gambit  |  Rick Barton  |  12-16-2008  |  Reviews

'Elegy' Looks at Agingnew

A professor (Ben Kingsley) falls for a younger woman (Penelope Cruz) and discovers his insecurities with aging in Elegy.
Gambit  |  Rick Barton  |  09-08-2008  |  Reviews

'Iron' Deficiencynew

The plot is thoroughly stupid, but fun enough here and there, and Gwyneth Paltrow has never looked lovelier.
Gambit  |  Rick Barton  |  05-20-2008  |  Reviews

Stayin' Alivenew

Stephen Walker's documentary about the Massachusetts chorus of retired people can be uncomfortable, because the participants (average age 80) don't seem to be in on the joke that is central to their act, which is elderly singers performing rock and punk rock more associated with rebellious youth.
Gambit  |  Rick Barton  |  05-13-2008  |  Reviews

Well Made As It Is, 'Leatherheads' Doesn't Have Anything to Say About Anythingnew

Coming from a guy like Clooney, who has recently starred in Michael Clayton and Syriana and directed Good Night, and Good Luck, that lack of substance is a little unexpected and disappointing.
Gambit  |  Rick Barton  |  04-23-2008  |  Reviews

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