AltWeeklies Wire
DeVotchKa: Not Just Gypsy Musicnew
A Mad & Faithful Telling continues to ride the gypsy-folk wave, but Shawn King (percussion/trumpet) wants to give DeVotchKa's audience more melodic credit.
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Kristen Humbert |
05-15-2008 |
Profiles & Interviews
In 'Never Forever,' Money Can't Buy Happinessnew
Never Forever's characters are not people with whom you can empathize, nor does that seem to be writer and director Gina Kim's goal, at first. But the strength with which I came to care for Sophie Lee (Vera Farmiga) by the film's end was surprisingly overwhelming.
Dig Boston |
Laura Dargas |
05-15-2008 |
Tags: Never Forever, Gina Kim
'Son of Rambow' is a Truly Funny Film About Identity and the Loss of Innocencenew
But there's another level to Garth Jennings' latest -- a subtle underlying theme about how foreign influences have affected the culturally isolated Brits.
Dig Boston |
David Wildman |
05-15-2008 |
Tags: Garth Jennings, Son of Rambow
What's Mass. Doing to Keep Former Prisoners from Returning to Jail?new

A 2002 study by the Massachusetts Sentencing Committee found recidivism rates had reached 49.1 percent. The Commission to End Homelessness estimated 16 percent of the 25,500 people released each year become homeless. Former prisoners must also navigate Criminal Offender Record Information (CORI), the state's rap sheet on anyone ensnared in the criminal justice system.
Dig Boston |
Cara Bayles |
05-15-2008 |
Crime & Justice
The How and Why of Prison Overcrowdingnew
The US prison population grew eight-fold since 1970; more than 2.3 million people are incarcerated nationally, and overcrowding is pandemic in Massachusetts prisons. Two years ago, Massachusetts Department of Corrections facilities were at 134 percent capacity. Now they've reached 143 percent.
Dig Boston |
Cara Bayles |
05-15-2008 |
Crime & Justice
A Lack of H-2B Visas is Creating a Seasonal Worker Slump on Cape Codnew
Immigrant labor is the backbone of the summer tourism industry, a remaining bright spot in a dire economy. But a federal crackdown could mean trouble.
Dig Boston |
Lindsay Berrigan |
05-01-2008 |
Piebald Says Goodbyenew
I can't explain my emotional connection with Piebald. Say what you will about post-rock-punk-pop baloney, but to know Piebald was to love them.
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Jan Rosenfeld |
05-01-2008 |
Tags: Piebald
Internet Memez Taek Ovar Boston ... and This Headliennew

Cyberspace is all a-blog about ROFLCon, the two-day conference set for April 25th and 26th. Internet celebrities, academics and casual nerds will invade MIT for a group dissection of the internet, examining the history and future of online culture.
Dig Boston |
Nicole Jones |
04-24-2008 |
Kiss Guitarist Paul Stanley Talks About His New Passion: Paintingnew

That art ranges from serene to immediate, while touching on themes Kiss never would. It's important to him that his art not be seen as some by-product of Kiss. "At the end of the day, if you know you're buying pieces of art because I sing 'Love Gun,' you're probably better off spending the money elsewhere."
Dig Boston |
Rob Turbovsky |
04-24-2008 |
"The Mitt Romney Assisted Suicide Initiative," "Landsmark Revisited," and "Brian Lees"new
AltWeeklies Award - News Story (1500 words or less)
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Paul McMorrow |
04-21-2008 |
Tags: media
Bomb Baitnew
AltWeeklies Award - Investigative Reporting
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Paul McMorrow |
04-21-2008 |
Tags: media
Election '08: Delegate Selection in Mass.'s Eighth Districtnew
As Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton battle for votes, the Democratic nomination could be decided at the national convention, so local delegates -- and the caucuses where they're elected -- were buzzing. On Saturday, Massachusetts' 10 congressional districts held an election for each candidate.
Dig Boston |
Cara Bayles and Jan Rosenfeld |
04-10-2008 |
Corporations Try to Buy Your Love by Rooting for the Red Soxnew
Remember the good ole days when Sox profiteering was annoying but ignorable, and before it seemed like every other national and local business attached itself to Boston baseball?
Dig Boston |
Chris Faraone |
04-10-2008 |
'Planet B-Boy': It's All About the Battlenew
This documentary is an effective cheerleader for its worthy subject matter, stuffed with spectacular, unforgettable performances, and will likely win you over, unless you're a cynical bastard like me.
Dig Boston |
David Wildman |
04-03-2008 |
Tags: Benson Lee, Planet B-Boy
Monotonix: Out in the Sticksnew
Purists know that rock & roll is a violent, chaotic tool, and in its spastic live shows, the stripped down Israeli trio wields it like a manifesto.
Dig Boston |
Luke O'Neil |
04-03-2008 |
Profiles & Interviews
Tags: Monotonix