AltWeeklies Wire

Do Not Feed the Pigeons (or the Homeless)new

It’s time to consider the consequences of criminalizing the homeless
Random Lengths News  |  By James Preston Allen  |  10-30-2015  |  Commentary

Gut Reactionnew

Fig & Olive is packed weeks after a salmonella outbreak, but the fallout is far from over.
Washington City Paper  |  Jessica Sidman  |  10-29-2015  |  Food+Drink

Between Heaven & Hellnew

It’s an oppressively hot day.
Random Lengths News  |  Lionel Rolfe  |  10-22-2015  |  Culture

China Shipping NOP, POLA’s Failed Mitigationsnew

Draft Supplemental EIR Admits to Lack of Compliance with Legal Settlement
Random Lengths News  |  James Preston Allen  |  10-16-2015  |  Commentary

Local hops for local beernew

Monkey Paw, ChuckAlek, and Nickel Beer have joined Ballast Point, Coronado, and Hess in using locally grown hops. Because some people want their beers fruitier, pinier, and/or spicier.
San Diego Reader  |  Staff  |  09-30-2015  |  Food+Drink

Felony on your record? No problem!new

Follow hipsters to where your neck tattoos (or criminal past) don't matter
San Diego Reader  |  Staff  |  09-30-2015  |  Advice

When Women Are Sentenced to Male Prisonsnew

In The Women of San Quentin, journalist Kristin Schreier Lyseggen offers an in-depth look at the struggles of transgender women who face abuse and trauma inside California's male prisons.
East Bay Express  |  Sam Levin  |  09-30-2015  |  Culture

Stumping on Fear and Arrogancenew

San Pedro Stands up to Fear Mongering
Random Lengths News  |  James Preston Allen and Publisher  |  09-21-2015  |  Commentary

Swing Kidnew

Nick davis shares a Lindy hop legacy in track town U.S.A.
Eugene Weekly  |  Alex V. Cipolle  |  09-11-2015  |  Culture

When your location is like, so retronew

Flannel grafting the unsuspecting burgs
San Diego Reader  |  Staff  |  09-03-2015  |  Advice

The cocktail that makes you look goodnew

Steer clear of the low-proof rye
San Diego Reader  |  Staff  |  09-02-2015  |  Food+Drink

Carolina Kennel Club's dogs on paradenew

The Carolina Kennel Club's annual conformation is not for every dog...
Triad City Beat  |  Brian Clarey  |  08-25-2015  |  Sports

A Long Journey from Brighton Beachnew

Terminal Island—Lost Communities of Los Angeles Harbor.
Random Lengths News  |  James Preston Allen  |  08-21-2015  |  Commentary

Appropriate This!new

While most fashion and pop culture trends in the digital age are quick to die out, that of appropriating elements historically associated with Native American culture seems to be holding strong. SFR reached out to a group of artists, established and emerging, and asked about their reality, inspiration and challenges.
Santa Fe Reporter  |  Enrique Limón  |  08-19-2015  |  Culture

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