AltWeeklies Wire

Seven More Metromix Outlets Closenew

Gannett is closing its Metromix websites in Denver, Atlanta, Cleveland, Minneapolis, St. Louis, Tampa and Washington, D.C.
Cincinnati CityBeat  |  Kevin Osborne  |  12-09-2011  |  Media

Need for Labor Movement Greater Than Evernew

It should come as no surprise that as union membership has declined, income inequality and the average pay for CEOs have skyrocketed. Put simply, there is no mediating force to counter the avarice rampant in corporate boardrooms.
Cincinnati CityBeat  |  Kevin Osborne  |  09-13-2011  |  Commentary

Medical Marijuana Bill Takes Root in Ohionew

A state legislator from the Cleveland area recently introduced a bill that would legalize the use, growth and dispensing of medical marijuana for persons suffering from debilitating conditions including cancer, glaucoma, multiple sclerosis and Crohn's disease.
Cincinnati CityBeat  |  Stephen Carter-Novotni  |  05-11-2010  |  Policy Issues

Analyzing the Media's Lazy Reporting on ACORNnew

The current causus belli is ACORN's alleged promotion of voter registration fraud and voter fraud during the 2008 election campaign. That continuing assault and news media complicity are the subjects of an independent media study by Peter Dreier and Christopher Martin.
Cincinnati CityBeat  |  Ben L. Kaufman  |  10-16-2009  |  Commentary

Man Sues Bank Over Debit Card Feesnew

Dennis Charlton is taking one of Greater Cincinnati's largest corporations to court in a legal showdown that potentially could affect thousands of local banking customers.
Cincinnati CityBeat  |  Kevin Osborne  |  12-11-2008  |  Economy

Obama Campaign is Targeting Ohio's Reddest Countiesnew

The Democrats hopes to win the swing state by chipping away at Republican strongholds in Butler, Clermont and Warren counties.
Cincinnati CityBeat  |  Steve Rosen  |  10-24-2008  |  Politics

A Gentle Faithnew

AltWeeklies Award - Photography
Cincinnati CityBeat  |  Cameron Knight  |  04-21-2008  |  Media

Bloody Shoes and Snitchesnew

AltWeeklies Award - News Story -- In-Depth
Cincinnati CityBeat  |  Leslie Blade  |  04-21-2008  |  Media

Moving Violationsnew

AltWeeklies Award - Investigative Reporting
Cincinnati CityBeat  |  Doug Trapp  |  04-21-2008  |  Media

What's Eating Us?new

AltWeeklies Award - Illustration
Cincinnati CityBeat  |  Ryan Greis  |  04-21-2008  |  Media

The Pretendersnew

In 1967 five teenagers from Mansfield, Ohio, were signed to a record deal, renamed The Ohio Express and promoted as the face of Bubblegum Pop on the strength of their hit "Yummy Yummy Yummy." Today several of the original band members still tour in Europe playing their hits, but they finally confirm the rumors that they never actually sang on the hit singles.
Cincinnati CityBeat  |  Larry Gross  |  07-05-2007  |  Profiles & Interviews

Creation Museum Tells a Whopper of a Talenew

The newly opened museum in Northern Kentucky offers exhibits that back a literal interpretation of Genesis and the Old Testament: the Earth is 6,000 years old; dinosaurs and humans lived together; and American society's rejection of such beliefs has led to abortion, pornography and homosexuality.
Cincinnati CityBeat  |  Lew Moores  |  06-19-2007  |  Religion

Too Good for Us?new

Ken Blackwell is well known for his role in election day shenanigans that pushed Ohio into George Bush's win column in 2004 -- what's not so well known about the right-wing ideologue now running for Ohio governor is his early years as a liberal activist and a third-party mayor of Cincinnati.
Cincinnati CityBeat  |  Lew Moores  |  08-21-2006  |  Politics

Return of the Iconoclastnew

Director Robert Altman discusses his elegaic new film.
Cincinnati CityBeat  |  Jason Gargano  |  06-22-2006  |  Profiles & Interviews

Joe Wilson Criticizes Media's Plame Gamenew

Former Ambassador Joe Wilson is critical of media coverage of the outing of his wife, CIA agent Valerie Plame, saying too many reporters value relationships with sources above obligations to readers, thus eroding the "appropriate role" of the news media in a democracy.
Cincinnati CityBeat  |  Ben L. Kaufman  |  12-07-2005  |  Media

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